Restrict Reconciliation By Using Queries

Every reconciliation operation performs a query on the source and on the target resource, to determine which records should be reconciled. The default source and target queries are _queryFilter=true&_fields=_id, which means that all records in both the source and the target are considered candidates for that reconciliation operation.

You can restrict reconciliation to specific entries by defining an explicit sourceQuery or targetQuery in the mapping configuration.


The sourceQuery filter is ignored during the target phase, and the targetQuery filter is ignored during the source phase.

For example, to restrict reconciliation to those records whose employeeType on the source resource is Permanent, you might specify a source query as follows:

"mappings" : [
         "name" : "managedUser_systemLdapAccounts",
         "source" : "managed/user",
         "target" : "system/ldap/account",
         "sourceQuery" : {
            "_queryFilter" : "employeeType eq \"Permanent\""

The format of the query can be any query type that is supported by the resource, and can include additional parameters, if applicable. Use the _queryFilter parameter, in common filter notation.

The source and target queries send the query to the resource that is defined for that source or target, by default. You can override the resource the query is sent to by specifying a resourceName in the query. For example, to query a specific endpoint instead of the source resource, you might modify the preceding source query as follows:

    "mappings" : [
            "name" : "managedUser_systemLdapAccounts",
            "source" : "managed/user",
            "target" : "system/ldap/account",
            "sourceQuery" : {
                "resourceName" : "endpoint/scriptedQuery"
                "_queryFilter" : "employeeType eq \"Permanent\""

To override a source or target query that is defined in the mapping, you can specify the query when you call the reconciliation operation. For example, to reconcile all employee entries, and not just the permanent employees, you would run the reconciliation operation as follows:

curl \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
--header "Accept-API-Version: resource=1.0" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--request POST \
--data '{"sourceQuery": {"_queryFilter" : "true"}}' \

By default, a reconciliation operation runs both the source and target phase. To avoid queries on the target resource, set runTargetPhase to false in the mapping configuration. To prevent the target resource from being queried during the reconciliation operation configured in the previous example, amend the mapping configuration as follows:

    "mappings" : [
            "name" : "systemLdapAccounts_managedUser",
            "source" : "system/ldap/account",
            "target" : "managed/user",
            "sourceQuery" : {
                "_queryFilter" : "employeeType eq \"Permanent\""
            "runTargetPhase" : false,
Use the UI to Create a Query That Restricts Reconciliation
  1. Select Configure > Mappings and select the you want to restrict.

  2. Select Association > Reconciliation Query Filters.

  3. Create a source query or target query and click Save.

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