Access Management 7.4.1

Interactive callbacks

Nodes return the following callbacks to request information.


Collects a boolean-style confirmation, such as yes/no or true/false.

The Attribute Collector node uses this instead of a ConfirmationCallback to apply IDM policies and validate the response.

Callback output field Description


An array of JSON objects describing validation policies that the input failed. The object is empty until the input is provided and validation fails.


A string containing the name of the attribute in the user profile.


An array of JSON objects describing IDM validation policies the input must pass. An empty JSON object if the node does not require validation.

The node collects policy information from IDM. For more information about the policies available by default, refer to Default policy for managed objects in the IDM documentation.


A string containing the description of the information required from the user.


A boolean indicating whether input is required for this attribute.


When the node requires validation, this boolean indicates whether to apply validation policies only, or to validate the input and continue to the next node. When true, the node only performs input validation and does not continue to the next node.

When true, this lets the UI validate input as the user types instead of validating the input once and continuing the journey to the next node.


A string containing a default value for the attribute, if required.

  "callbacks": [{
    "type": "BooleanAttributeInputCallback",
    "output": [{
      "name": "name",
      "value": "preferences/marketing"
    }, {
      "name": "prompt",
      "value": "Send me special offers and services"
    }, {
      "name": "required",
      "value": true
    }, {
      "name": "policies",
      "value": {}
    }, {
      "name": "failedPolicies",
      "value": []
    }, {
      "name": "validateOnly",
      "value": false
    }, {
      "name": "value",
      "value": false
    "input": [{
      "name": "IDToken1",
      "value": false
    }, {
      "name": "IDToken1validateOnly",
      "value": false

In the input, return the value and a boolean to set validateOnly.

Class to import



Provides a list of choices and collects the selected choice.

In the input, return 0 if the user selected the first choice, 1 for the second choice, and so forth.

  "callbacks": [{
    "type": "ChoiceCallback",
    "output": [{
      "name": "prompt",
      "value": "Choose one"
    }, {
      "name": "choices",
      "value": ["Choice A", "Choice B", "Choice C"]
    }, {
      "name": "defaultChoice",
      "value": 2
    "input": [{
      "name": "IDToken1",
      "value": 0
Class to import


Collects a boolean-style confirmation, such as yes/no or true/false with an optional "Cancel" choice.

Callback output field Description


A number identifying the default option in the array of options, counting from 0.


A number indicating the severity of the message:

  • 0: Information

  • 1: Warning

  • 2: Error


A number indicating the type of confirmation:

  • -1: Unspecified

  • 0: Yes/no

  • 1: Yes/no/cancel

  • 2: OK/cancel


An array of strings containing the option text for display to the user.


A string containing the description of the choice to display to the user.

  "callbacks": [{
    "type": "ConfirmationCallback",
    "output": [{
      "name": "prompt",
      "value": ""
    }, {
      "name": "messageType",
      "value": 0
    }, {
      "name": "options",
      "value": ["Submit", "Start Over", "Cancel"]
    }, {
      "name": "optionType",
      "value": -1
    }, {
      "name": "defaultOption",
      "value": 1
    "input": [{
      "name": "IDToken1",
      "value": 0

In the input, return 0 if the user selected the first choice, 1 for the second choice, and so forth.

Class to import


Provides profile attributes that require user consent and collects consent from the user.

Callback output field Description


A string containing the access level description for display to the user.


A string containing the name for display to the user.


An array containing names of the attributes to share.


A string containing an icon specification for the privacy and consent notice.


A boolean indicating whether consent is required.


A string containing the privacy and consent notice for display to the user.


A string containing the name of the mapping.

  "callbacks": [{
    "type": "ConsentMappingCallback",
    "output": [{
      "name": "name",
      "value": "managedUser_managedUser"
    }, {
      "name": "displayName",
      "value": "Test Mapping"
    }, {
      "name": "icon",
      "value": ""
    }, {
      "name": "accessLevel",
      "value": "Actual Profile"
    }, {
      "name": "isRequired",
      "value": true
    }, {
      "name": "message",
      "value": "You consent to your data being shared with external services."
    }, {
      "name": "fields",
      "value": []
    "input": [{
      "name": "IDToken1",
      "value": false

The user must give consent to all attributes or to none; in the input, return a single boolean value.

Class to import



Binds a client device to a user.

Callback output field Description


The ID of the user to bind the device to.


The username of the user to bind the device to.


Specifies how the client secures access to the private key. Available options are:


Request that the client secures access to the cryptography keys with biometric security, such as a fingerprint.


Request that the client secures access to the cryptography keys with biometric security, such as a fingerprint, but allow use of the device PIN if biometric is unavailable.


Request that the client secures access to the cryptography keys with an application-specific PIN.


Request that the client generates a keypair, but does not secure access to them.


A string containing the challenge the client should sign with the private key and return for validation.


A string containing an optional title to display when requesting biometric authentication to secure access to the keypair.


A string containing an optional subtitle to display when requesting biometric authentication to secure access to the keypair.


A string containing optional descriptive text to display when requesting biometric authentication to secure access to the keypair.


An integer specifying the number of seconds to wait for device binding to complete before reporting a timeout error.

Example response data
  "authId": "...",
  "callbacks": [
      "type": "DeviceBindingCallback",
      "output": [
          "name": "userId",
          "value": "id=demo,ou=user,dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org"
          "name": "username",
          "value": "demo"
          "name": "authenticationType",
          "value": "BIOMETRIC_ALLOW_FALLBACK"
          "name": "challenge",
          "value": "6IBkTEPcMQ0xCghIclmDLost2ssGO5cPDs0AjUhmDTo="
          "name": "title",
          "value": "Authentication required"
          "name": "subtitle",
          "value": "Cryptography device binding"
          "name": "description",
          "value": "Please authenticate with biometrics to proceed"
          "name": "timeout",
          "value": 60
      "input": [
          "name": "IDToken1jws",
          "value": ""
          "name": "IDToken1deviceName",
          "value": ""
          "name": "IDToken1deviceId",
          "value": ""
          "name": "IDToken1clientError",
          "value": ""

The client device should perform the following high-level steps to fulfil this callback:

  1. Generate a keypair and secure access to it as defined by the authenticationType field.

  2. Generate a JSON web token (JWT) that has the ID of the user in the subject (sub) field and the original value of the challenge.

    For example:

        "sub": "id=demo,ou=user,dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org",
        "challenge": "6IBkTEPcMQ0xCghIclmDLost2ssGO5cPDs0AjUhmDTo="
  3. Sign the JWT using the RS512 algorithm to create a JSON Web Signature (JWS).

  4. Complete the callback, returning the JWS, the key ID (KID) of the keypair, the public key, and the name and the unique ID of the device.

The server verifies the returned information and persists it in the user’s profile if correct.

Example response data
  "authId": "...",
  "callbacks": [
      "type": "DeviceBindingCallback",
      "output": [...],
      "input": [
          "name": "IDToken1jws",
          "value": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiI....JV_adQssw5cB6aDS6m_kwIiw"
          "name": "IDToken1deviceName",
          "value": "Example Brand Version Android Device"
          "name": "IDToken1deviceId",
          "value": "ae9573dbbf442e7f-8e0c8b428409e0f1c"
          "name": "IDToken1clientError",
          "value": ""

Class to import in scripts: org.forgerock.openam.authentication.callbacks.DeviceBindingCallback


Collects information about the device used to authenticate.

Callback output field Description


A boolean indicating whether to collect device metadata.


A boolean indicating whether to collect the device location.


A string containing optional text to display while collecting device information.

  "callbacks": [{
    "type": "DeviceProfileCallback",
    "output": [{
      "name": "metadata",
      "value": true
    }, {
      "name": "location",
      "value": true
    }, {
      "name": "message",
      "value": "Collecting....."
    "input": [{
      "name": "IDToken1",
      "value": ""

In the input, return escaped JSON resembling the following example response data.

Example response data
  "identifier": "aec3fe784...o3Xjiizyb9=",
  "alias": "Pixel 3 XL",
  "metadata": {
    "platform": {
      "platform": "Android",
      "version": 28,
      "device": "generic_x86_arm",
      "deviceName": "AOSP on IA Emulator",
      "model": "AOSP on IA Emulator",
      "brand": "google",
      "locale": "en_US",
      "timeZone": "America/Vancouver",
      "jailBreakScore": 1
    "hardware": {
      "hardware": "ranchu",
      "manufacturer": "Google",
      "storage": 774,
      "memory": 1494,
      "cpu": 4,
      "display": {
        "width": 1440,
        "height": 2621,
        "orientation": 1
      "camera": {
        "numberOfCameras": 2
    "browser": {
      "agent": "Dalvik/2.1.0 (Linux; U; Android 9; AOSP on IA Emulator Build/PSR1.180720.117)"
    "bluetooth": {
      "supported": false
    "network": {
      "connected": true
    "telephony": {
      "networkCountryIso": "us",
      "carrierName": "Android"
  "location": {
    "latitude": 51.431534,
    "Longitude": -2.622353

The location and metadata fields are required when their values are true in the output. The alias and identifier fields are optional and provided when the client uses the ForgeRock SDKs.


A friendly name for the device often derived from the make and model.


A unique identifier string that can be used to later match the device.


Latitude and longitude of the device.


Refer to the example response data for details.

Class to import



Verifies the signature of data from a registered device.

Callback output field Description


The ID of the user authenticating, if already determined by the authentication journey.


A string containing the challenge the client should sign with the private key and return for validation.


A string containing an optional title to display when requesting biometric authentication to access the keypair.


A string containing an optional subtitle to display when requesting biometric authentication to access the keypair.


A string containing optional descriptive text to display when requesting biometric authentication to access the keypair.


An integer specifying the number of seconds to wait for device signing to complete before reporting a timeout error.

Example response data
  "authId": "...",
  "callbacks": [
      "type": "DeviceSigningVerifierCallback",
      "output": [
          "name": "userId",
          "value": ""
          "name": "challenge",
          "value": "Kc4dc14on98DYFzr5SoP2n3TC/JWAcAqTJMjCM+T27Y="
          "name": "title",
          "value": "Authentication required"
          "name": "subtitle",
          "value": "Cryptography device binding"
          "name": "description",
          "value": "Please complete with biometric to proceed"
          "name": "timeout",
          "value": 60
      "input": [
          "name": "IDToken1jws",
          "value": ""
          "name": "IDToken1clientError",
          "value": ""

The client device should perform the following high-level steps to fulfill this callback:

  1. Generate a JSON web token (JWT) that has the ID of the user in the subject (sub) field) and the original value of the challenge.

    For example:

        "sub": "id=demo,ou=user,dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org",
        "challenge": "6IBkTEPcMQ0xCghIclmDLost2ssGO5cPDs0AjUhmDTo="
  2. Sign the JWT using the RS512 algorithm to create a JSON Web Signature (JWS).

  3. Complete the callback, returning the JWS.

The server verifies the signature against the stored public key.

Example response data
  "authId": "...",
  "callbacks": [
      "type": "DeviceSigningVerifierCallback",
      "output": [...],
      "input": [
          "name": "IDToken1jws",
          "value": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiI....JV_adQssw5cB6aDS6m_kwIiw"
          "name": "IDToken1clientError",
          "value": ""

Class to import in scripts: org.forgerock.openam.authentication.callbacks.DeviceSigningVerifierCallback


Provides form values that are to remain hidden from the user.

  "callbacks": [{
    "type": "HiddenValueCallback",
    "output": [{
      "name": "value",
      "value": "6186c911-b3be-4dbc-8192-bdf251392072"
    }, {
      "name": "id",
      "value": "jwt"
    "input": [{
      "name": "IDToken1",
      "value": "jwt"
Class to import



Collects the result of a native OAuth 2.0 or OpenID Connect request to a social identity provider.

The Social Provider Handler node returns this callback when its Client Type is set to NATIVE.

The output provides the information required to perform the request. Clients built using the ForgeRock SDK for Android or iOS use this to authenticate to the social identity provider with the mobile OS native APIs.

Callback output field Description


An array containing the Authentication Context Class Reference values for the native authentication request.


A string containing the identifier for the native authentication request.


A string containing the nonce for the native authentication request.


A string containing a name for the provider.


A string containing the redirection URI for the native authentication request.


A string containing the Request Object for the native authentication request.


A string containing a URL that references a resource containing the Request Object for the native authentication request.


An array containing the scopes for the native authentication request.

  "callbacks": [{
    "type": "IdPCallback",
    "output": [{
      "name": "provider",
      "value": "amazon"
    }, {
      "name": "clientId",
      "value": "amzn1.application-oa2-client.f0c11aa1f8504f8da26a346ccc55a39e"
    }, {
      "name": "redirectUri",
      "value": "https://localhost:8443/openam"
    }, {
      "name": "scopes",
      "value": ["profile"]
    }, {
      "name": "nonce",
      "value": ""
    }, {
      "name": "acrValues",
      "value": []
    }, {
      "name": "request",
      "value": ""
    }, {
      "name": "requestUri",
      "value": ""
    "input": [{
      "name": "IDToken1token",
      "value": ""
    }, {
      "name": "IDToken1token_type",
      "value": ""

In the input, return a JWT id_token, access_token or authorization code for the token, and id_token, access_token or authorization_code for the token type.

Class to import



Collects knowledge-based authentication (KBA) answers to questions defined in the user profile, or user-defined question and answer pairs.

  "callbacks": [{
    "type": "KbaCreateCallback",
    "output": [{
      "name": "prompt",
      "value": "Select a security question"
    }, {
      "name": "predefinedQuestions",
      "value": ["What's your favorite color?"]
    "input": [{
      "name": "IDToken1question",
      "value": ""
    }, {
      "name": "IDToken1answer",
      "value": ""

In the input, return an empty IDTokenNumberquestion value when IDTokenNumberanswer corresponds to predefinedQuestions[Number]. For user-provided questions, return both.

Class to import



Collects a string entered by the user, such as a username.

  "callbacks": [{
    "type": "NameCallback",
    "output": [{
      "name": "prompt",
      "value": "User Name"
    "input": [{
      "name": "IDToken1",
      "value": ""
Class to import


Collects a numeric attribute, such as size or age.

The Attribute Collector node uses this to apply IDM policies and validate the response.

Callback output field Description


An array of JSON objects describing validation policies that the input failed. The object is empty until the input is provided and validation fails.


A string containing the name of the attribute in the user profile.


An array of JSON objects describing IDM validation policies the input must pass. An empty JSON object if the node does not require validation.

The node collects policy information from IDM. For more information about the policies available by default, refer to Default policy for managed objects in the IDM documentation.


A string containing the description of the information required from the user.


A boolean indicating whether input is required for this attribute.


When the node requires validation, this boolean indicates whether to apply validation policies only, or to validate the input and continue to the next node. When true, the node only performs input validation and does not continue to the next node.

When true, this lets the UI validate input as the user types instead of validating the input once and continuing the journey to the next node.


A string containing a default value for the attribute, if required.

In the input, return the value and a boolean to set validateOnly.

Class to import



Collects a password value.

  "callbacks": [{
    "type": "PasswordCallback",
    "output": [{
      "name": "prompt",
      "value": "Password"
    "input": [{
      "name": "IDToken1",
      "value": ""
Class to import


Collects a choice of an enabled social identity provider or local authentication.

The Select Identity Provider node returns this callback when multiple social identity providers are enabled, or when Local Authentication is enabled alongside at least one provider.

In the input, return the provider name, such as amazon or localAuthentication.

  "callbacks": [{
    "type": "SelectIdPCallback",
    "output": [{
      "name": "providers",
      "value": [{
        "provider": "amazon",
        "uiConfig": {
          "buttonCustomStyle": "background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #f7e09f 15%,#f5c646 85%);color: black;border-color: #b48c24;",
          "buttonImage": "",
          "buttonClass": "fa-amazon",
          "buttonDisplayName": "Amazon",
          "buttonCustomStyleHover": "background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #f6c94e 15%,#f6c94e 85%);color: black;border-color: #b48c24;",
          "iconClass": "fa-amazon",
          "iconFontColor": "black",
          "iconBackground": "#f0c14b"
      }, {
        "provider": "google",
        "uiConfig": {
          "buttonImage": "images/g-logo.png",
          "buttonCustomStyle": "background-color: #fff; color: #757575; border-color: #ddd;",
          "buttonClass": "",
          "buttonCustomStyleHover": "color: #6d6d6d; background-color: #eee; border-color: #ccc;",
          "buttonDisplayName": "Google",
          "iconFontColor": "white",
          "iconClass": "fa-google",
          "iconBackground": "#4184f3"
      }, {
        "provider": "localAuthentication"
    }, {
      "name": "value",
      "value": ""
    "input": [{
      "name": "IDToken1",
      "value": ""
Class to import



Collects string attributes, such as city names, telephone numbers, and postcodes.

The Attribute Collector node uses this instead of a TextInputCallback to apply IDM policies and validate the response.

Callback output field Description


An array of JSON objects describing validation policies that the input failed. The object is empty until the input is provided and validation fails.


A string containing the name of the attribute in the user profile.


An array of JSON objects describing IDM validation policies the input must pass. An empty JSON object if the node does not require validation.

The node collects policy information from IDM. For more information about the policies available by default, refer to Default policy for managed objects in the IDM documentation.


A string containing the description of the information required from the user.


A boolean indicating whether input is required for this attribute.


When the node requires validation, this boolean indicates whether to apply validation policies only, or to validate the input and continue to the next node. When true, the node only performs input validation and does not continue to the next node.

When true, this lets the UI validate input as the user types instead of validating the input once and continuing the journey to the next node.


A string containing a default value for the attribute, if required.

  "callbacks": [{
    "type": "StringAttributeInputCallback",
    "output": [{
      "name": "name",
      "value": "givenName"
    }, {
      "name": "prompt",
      "value": "First Name"
    }, {
      "name": "required",
      "value": true
    }, {
      "name": "policies",
      "value": {
        "policyRequirements": ["REQUIRED", "VALID_TYPE"],
        "fallbackPolicies": null,
        "name": "givenName",
        "policies": [{
          "policyRequirements": ["REQUIRED"],
          "policyId": "required"
        }, {
          "policyRequirements": ["VALID_TYPE"],
          "policyId": "valid-type",
          "params": {
            "types": ["string"]
        "conditionalPolicies": null
    }, {
      "name": "failedPolicies",
      "value": []
    }, {
      "name": "validateOnly",
      "value": false
    }, {
      "name": "value",
      "value": ""
    "input": [{
      "name": "IDToken1",
      "value": ""
    }, {
      "name": "IDToken1validateOnly",
      "value": false

When input validation is not required, the policies contain an empty object:

  "name": "policies",
  "value": {}

In the input, return the value and a boolean to set validateOnly.

Class to import



Displays the current terms and conditions and collects the user’s agreement to them.

  "callbacks": [
      "type": "TermsAndConditionsCallback",
      "output": [
          "name": "version",
          "value": "0.0"
          "name": "terms",
          "value": "Terms and conditions text that you must agree to."
          "name": "createDate",
          "value": "2022-10-28T04:20:11.320Z"
      "input": [
          "name": "IDToken1",
          "value": false

In the input, return true if the user agrees to the terms and conditions.

Class to import



Collects text input from the user.

  "callbacks": [{
    "type": "TextInputCallback",
    "output": [{
      "name": "prompt",
      "value": "Provide a nickname for this account"
    "input": [{
      "name": "IDToken1",
      "value": ""
Class to import


Collects a password value.

The Platform Password node uses this instead of a PasswordCallback to apply IDM policies and validate the response.

Callback output field Description


An array of JSON objects describing validation policies that the input failed. The object is empty until the input is provided and validation fails.


A string containing the name of the attribute in the user profile.


An array of objects describing IDM validation policies the input must pass. An empty JSON object if the node does not require validation.

The node collects policy information from IDM. For more information about the policies available by default, refer to Default policy for managed objects in the IDM documentation.


A string containing the description of the information required from the user.


When the node requires validation, this boolean indicates whether to apply validation policies only, or to validate the input and continue to the next node. When true, the node only performs input validation and does not continue to the next node.

When true, this lets the UI validate input as the user types instead of validating the input once and continuing the journey to the next node.

  "callbacks": [{
    "type": "ValidatedCreatePasswordCallback",
    "output": [{
      "name": "echoOn",
      "value": false
    }, {
      "name": "policies",
      "value": {
        "fallbackPolicies": null,
        "name": "password",
        "policies": [{
          "policyRequirements": ["VALID_TYPE"],
          "policyId": "valid-type",
          "params": {
            "types": ["string"]
        }, {
          "policyId": "minimum-length",
          "params": {
            "minLength": 8
          "policyRequirements": ["MIN_LENGTH"]
        }, {
          "policyId": "at-least-X-capitals",
          "params": {
            "numCaps": 1
          "policyRequirements": ["AT_LEAST_X_CAPITAL_LETTERS"]
        }, {
          "policyId": "at-least-X-numbers",
          "params": {
            "numNums": 1
          "policyRequirements": ["AT_LEAST_X_NUMBERS"]
        }, {
          "policyId": "cannot-contain-others",
          "params": {
            "disallowedFields": ["userName", "givenName", "sn"]
          "policyRequirements": ["CANNOT_CONTAIN_OTHERS"]
        "conditionalPolicies": null
    }, {
      "name": "failedPolicies",
      "value": []
    }, {
      "name": "validateOnly",
      "value": false
    }, {
      "name": "prompt",
      "value": "Password"
    "input": [{
      "name": "IDToken1",
      "value": ""
    }, {
      "name": "IDToken1validateOnly",
      "value": false

In the input, return the value and a boolean to set validateOnly.

Class to import



Collects a username.

The Platform Username node uses this instead of a NameCallback to apply IDM policies and validate the response.

Callback output field Description


An array of JSON objects describing validation policies that the input failed. The object is empty until the input is provided and validation fails.


A string containing the name of the attribute in the user profile.


An array of objects describing IDM validation policies the input must pass. An empty JSON object if the node does not require validation.

The node collects policy information from IDM. For more information about the policies available by default, refer to Default policy for managed objects in the IDM documentation.


A string containing the description of the information required from the user.


When the node requires validation, this boolean indicates whether to apply validation policies only, or to validate the input and continue to the next node. When true, the node only performs input validation and does not continue to the next node.

When true, this lets the UI validate input as the user types instead of validating the input once and continuing the journey to the next node.

  "callbacks": [{
    "type": "ValidatedCreateUsernameCallback",
    "output": [{
      "name": "policies",
      "value": {
        "fallbackPolicies": null,
        "name": "userName",
        "policies": [{
          "policyRequirements": ["REQUIRED"],
          "policyId": "required"
        }, {
          "policyRequirements": ["VALID_TYPE"],
          "policyId": "valid-type",
          "params": {
            "types": ["string"]
        }, {
          "policyId": "valid-username",
          "policyRequirements": ["VALID_USERNAME"]
        }, {
          "policyId": "cannot-contain-characters",
          "params": {
            "forbiddenChars": ["/"]
          "policyRequirements": ["CANNOT_CONTAIN_CHARACTERS"]
        }, {
          "policyId": "minimum-length",
          "params": {
            "minLength": 1
          "policyRequirements": ["MIN_LENGTH"]
        }, {
          "policyId": "maximum-length",
          "params": {
            "maxLength": 255
          "policyRequirements": ["MAX_LENGTH"]
        "conditionalPolicies": null
    }, {
      "name": "failedPolicies",
      "value": []
    }, {
      "name": "validateOnly",
      "value": false
    }, {
      "name": "prompt",
      "value": "Username"
    "input": [{
      "name": "IDToken1",
      "value": ""
    }, {
      "name": "IDToken1validateOnly",
      "value": false

In the input, return the value and a boolean to set validateOnly.

Class to import


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