Install a Single Node Air-Gapped Deployment
This section presents instructions on deploying Autonomous Identity in a single-node target machine that has no Internet connectivity. This type of configuration, called an air-gap or offline deployment, provides enhanced security by isolating itself from outside Internet or network access.
The air-gap installation is similar to that of the single-node target deployment with Internet connectivity, except that the image and deployer script must be saved on a portable drive and copied to the air-gapped target machine.
Figure 7: A single-node air-gapped target deployment.

Let’s deploy Autonomous Identity on a single-node air-gapped target on CentOS 7. The following are prerequisites:
Operating System. The target machine requires CentOS 7. The deployer machine can use any operating system as long as Docker is installed. For this chapter, we use CentOS 7 as its base operating system.
Memory Requirements. Make sure you have enough free disk space on the deployer machine before running the
commands. We recommend at least 500GB. -
Default Shell. The default shell for the
user must be bash. -
Deployment Requirements. Autonomous Identity provides a Docker image that creates a
script. The script downloads additional images necessary for the installation. To download the deployment images, you must first obtain a registry key to log into the ForgeRock Google Cloud Registry ( The registry key is only available to ForgeRock Autonomous Identity customers. For specific instructions on obtaining the registry key, see How To Configure Service Credentials (Push Auth, Docker) in Backstage. -
Database Requirements. Decide which database you are using: Apache Cassandra or MongoDB.
Docker Required on Air-Gap Machines. When installing the Autonomous Identity binaries on the air-gap machine using a tar file, you must also manually install Docker 20.10.7 onto the machine.
IPv4 Forwarding. Many high security environments run their CentOS-based systems with IPv4 forwarding disabled. However, Docker Swarm does not work with a disabled IPv4 forward setting. In such environments, make sure to enable IPv4 forwarding in the file
Set Up the Deployer Machine
Set up the deployer on an Internet-connect machine.
The install assumes that you have CentOS 7 as your operating system. Check your CentOS 7 version.
$ sudo cat /etc/centos-release
Set the user for the target machine to a username of your choice. For example,
.$ sudo adduser autoid
Set the password for the user you created in the previous step.
$ sudo passwd autoid
Configure the user for passwordless sudo.
$ echo "autoid ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL" | sudo tee /etc/sudoers.d/autoid
Add administrator privileges to the user.
$ sudo usermod -aG wheel autoid
Change to the user account.
$ su - autoid
Install yum-utils package on the deployer machine. yum-utils is a utilities manager for the Yum RPM package repository. The repository compresses software packages for Linux distributions.
$ sudo yum -y install yum-utils
Create the installation directory. Note that you can use any install directory for your system as long as your run the
script from there. Also, the disk volume where you have the install directory must have at least 8GB free space for the installation.$ mkdir ~/autoid-config
Install Docker on the Deployer Machine
On the deployer machine, set up the Docker-CE repository.
$ sudo yum-config-manager \ --add-repo
Install the latest version of the Docker CE, the command-line interface, and, a containerized website.
$ sudo yum -y install docker-ce docker-ce-cli
Enable Docker to start at boot.
$ sudo systemctl enable docker
Start Docker.
$ sudo systemctl start docker
Check that Docker is running.
$ systemctl status docker
Add the user to the Docker group.
$ sudo usermod -aG docker ${USER}
Logout of the user account.
$ logout
Re-login using created user. Login with the user created for the deployer machine. For example,
.$ su - autoid
Set Up SSH on the Deployer
While SSH is not necessary to connect the deployer to the target node as the machines are isolated from one another. You still need SSH on the deployer so that it can communicate with itself.
On the deployer machine, run
to generate an RSA keypair, and then click Enter. You can use the default filename. Enter a password for protecting your private key.$ ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "autoid"
The public and private rsa key pair is stored in
. -
Copy the SSH key to the
directory.$ cp ~/.ssh/id_rsa ~/autoid-config
Change the privileges to the file.
$ chmod 400 ~/autoid-config/id_rsa
Prepare the Tar File
Run the following steps on an Internet-connected host machine:
On the deployer machine, change to the installation directory.
$ cd ~/autoid-config/
Log in to the ForgeRock Google Cloud Registry ( using the registry key. The registry key is only available to ForgeRock Autonomous Identity customers. For specific instructions on obtaining the registry key, see How To Configure Service Credentials (Push Auth, Docker) in Backstage.
$ docker login -u _json_key -p "$(cat autoid_registry_key.json)"
You should see:
Login Succeeded
Run the
command to generate
script wrapper. Note that the command sets the configuration directory on the target node to/config
. Note that the--user
parameter eliminates the need to usesudo
while editing the hosts file and other configuration files.$ docker run --user=$(id -u) -v ~/autoid-config:/config -it create-template
Open the
file, set theoffline_mode
property totrue
, and then save the file.offline_mode: true
Download the Docker images. This step downloads software dependencies needed for the deployment and places them in the
directory.$ ./ download-images
Create a tar file containing all of the Autonomous Identity binaries.
$ tar czf autoid-packages.tgz autoid-packages/*
Copy the
, and SSH key (id_rsa
) to a portable hard drive.
Install on the Air-Gap Target
Before you begin, make sure you have CentOS 7 and Docker installed on your air-gapped target machine.
Create the
directory if you haven’t already.$ mkdir ~/autoid-config
Copy the
tar file from the portable storage device. -
Unpack the tar file.
$ tar xf autoid-packages.tgz -C ~/autoid-config
On the air-gap host node, copy the SSH key to the
directory. -
Change the privileges to the file.
$ chmod 400 ~/autoid-config/id_rsa
Change to the configuration directory.
$ cd ~/autoid-config
Install Docker.
$ sudo ./ install-docker
Log out and back in.
Change to the configuration directory.
$ cd ~/autoid-config
Import the deployer image.
$ ./ import-deployer
You should see:
… db631c8b06ee: Loading layer [=============================================⇒] 2.56kB/2.56kB 2d62082e3327: Loading layer [=============================================⇒] 753.2kB/753.2kB Loaded image:
Create the configuration template using the
command. This command creates the configuration files:ansible.cfg
.$ ./ create-template
You should see:
Config template is copied to host machine directory mapped to /config
Configure Autonomous Identity Air-Gapped
The create-template
command from the previous section creates a number of configuration files, required for the deployment: ansible.cfg
, vars.yml
, hosts
, and vault.yml
If you are running a deployment for evaluation, you can minimally set the ansible.cfg file in step 1, set the private IP address mapping in the vars.yml file in step 2, edit the hosts file in step 3, and jump to step 6 run the deployer.
For air-gapped deployments, you must set the offline_mode property to true in the ~/autoid-config/vars.yml file in step 2 below. This is a new change in 2021.8.2 from prior releases.
Open a text editor and edit the
to set up the target machine user and SSH private key file location on the target node. Make sure that the remote_user exists on the target node and that the deployer machine can ssh to the target node as the user specified in theid_rsa
file.[defaults] host_key_checking = False remote_user = autoid private_key_file = id_rsa
Open a text editor and edit the
file to configure specific settings for your deployment:-
AI Product. Do not change this property.
ai_product: auto-id
Domain and Target Environment. Set the domain name and target environment specific to your deployment by editing the
file. By default, the domain name is set
and the target environment is set toautoid
. The default Autonomous Identity URL will be:
. For this example, we use the default values.domain_name: target_environment: autoid
If you change the domain name and target environment, you need to also change the certificates to reflect the new changes. For more information, see Customize the Domain and Namespace.
Analytics Data Directory and Analytics Configuration Direction. Although rarely necessary for a single node deployment, you can change the analytics and analytics configuration mount directories by editing the properties in the
file.analytics_data_dir: /data analytics_conf_dif: /data/conf
Offline Mode. Set the
for air-gapped deployments.offline_mode: true
Database Type. By default, Apache Cassandra is set as the default database for Autonomous Identity. For MongoDB, set the
.db_driver_type: cassandra
Private IP Address Mapping. An air-gap deployment has no external IP addresses, but you may still need to define a mapping in the
file, if your internal IP address differs from an external IP, say in a virtual air-gapped configuration.If your external and internal IP addresses are the same, you can skip this step.
Add the
property in the~/autoid-config/vars.yml
file. You can look up the private IP on the cloud console, or runsudo ifconfig
on the target host. Make sure the values are within double quotes. The key should not be in double quotes and should have two spaces preceding the IP address.private_ip_address_mapping: external_ip: "internal_ip"
For example:
private_ip_address_mapping: ""
Authentication Option. This property has three possible values:
indicates that sets up elasticsearch with local accounts and enables the Autonomous Identity UI features: self-service and manage identities. Local auth mode should be enabled for demo environments only. -
indicates that single sign-on (SSO) is in use. With SSO only, the Autonomous Identity UI features, self-service and manage identities pages, is not available on the system but is managed by the SSO provider. The login page displays "Sign in using OpenID." For more information, see Set Up SSO. -
indicates that SSO is used and local account features, like self-service and manage identities are available to the user. The login page displays "Sign in using OpenID" and a link "Or sign in via email".authentication_option: "Local"
Access Log. By default, the access log is enabled. If you want to disable the access log, set the
variable to "false". -
JWT Expiry and Secret File. Optional. By default, the session JWT is set at 30 minutes. To change this value, set the
property to a different value.jwt_expiry: "30 minutes" jwt_secret_file: "{{install path}}"/jwt/secret.txt" jwt_audience: "http://my.service" oidc_jwks_url: "na"
Local Auth Mode Password. When
is set toLocal
, thelocal_auth_mode_password
sets the password for the login user. -
Elasticsearch Heap Size. Optional. The default heap size for Elasticsearch is 1GB, which may be small for production. For production deployments, uncomment the option and specify
.#elastic_heap_size: 1g # sets the heap size (1g|2g|3g) for the Elastic Servers
Java API Service. Optional. Set the Java API Service (JAS) properties for the deployment: authentication, maximum memory, directory for attribute mappings data source entities:
jas: auth_enabled: true auth_type: 'jwt' signiture_key_id: 'service1-hmac' signiture_algorithm: 'hmac-sha256' max_memory: 4096M mapping_entity_type: /common/mappings datasource_entity_type: /common/datasources
Open a text editor and enter the target host’s private IP addresses in the
file. The following is an example of the~/autoid-config/hosts
file: NOTE:[notebook]
is not used in Autonomous Identity.Click to See a Host File for Cassandra Deployments
If you configured Cassandra as your database, the
file is as follows for single-node air-gapped target deployment:[docker-managers] [docker-workers] [docker:children] docker-managers docker-workers [cassandra-seeds] [spark-master] [spark-workers] [mongo_master] #ip# mongodb_master=True [mongo_replicas] [mongo:children] mongo_replicas mongo_master # ELastic Nodes [odfe-master-node] [odfe-data-nodes] [kibana-node] [notebook] #ip#
Click to See a Host File for MongoDB Deployments
If you configured MongoDB as your database, the
file is as follows for single-node air-gapped target deployment:[docker-managers] [docker-workers] [docker:children] docker-managers docker-workers [cassandra-seeds] [spark-master] [spark-workers] [mongo_master] mongodb_master=True [mongo_replicas] [mongo:children] mongo_replicas mongo_master # ELastic Nodes [odfe-master-node] [odfe-data-nodes] [kibana-node] [notebook] #ip#
Set the Autonomous Identity passwords, located at
.Despite the presence of special characters in the examples below, do not include special characters, such as &
, in your productionvault.yml
passwords as it will result in a failed deployer process.configuration_service_vault: basic_auth_password: ~@C~O>@%^()-_+=|<Y*$$rH&&/m#g{?-o!z/1}2??3=!*& cassandra_vault: cassandra_password: ~@C~O>@%^()-_+=|<Y*$$rH&&/m#g{?-o!z/1}2??3=!*& cassandra_admin_password: ~@C~O>@%^()-_+=|<Y*$$rH&&/m#g{?-o!z/1}2??3=!*& keystore_password: Acc#1234 truststore_password: Acc#1234 mongo_vault: mongo_admin_password: ~@C~O>@%^()-_+=|<Y*$$rH&&/m#g{?-o!z/1}2??3=!*& mongo_root_password: ~@C~O>@%^()-_+=|<Y*$$rH&&/m#g{?-o!z/1}2??3=!*& keystore_password: Acc#1234 truststore_password: Acc#1234 elastic_vault: elastic_admin_password: ~@C~O>@%^()-_+=|<Y*$$rH&&/m#g{?-o!z/1}2??3=!*& elasticsearch_password: ~@C~O>@%^()-_+=|<Y*$$rH&&/m#g{?-o!z/1}2??3=!*& keystore_password: Acc#1234 truststore_password: Acc#1234
Encrypt the vault file that stores the Autonomous Identity passwords, located at
. The encrypted passwords will be saved to/config/.autoid_vault_password
. The/config/
mount is internal to the deployer container.$ ./ encrypt-vault
Run the deployment.
$ ./ run
Resolve Hostname
After installing Autonomous Identity, set up the hostname resolution for your deployment.
Resolve the hostname:
Configure your DNS servers to access Autonomous Identity dashboard on the target node. The following domain names must resolve to the IP address of the target node:
. -
If DNS cannot resolve target node hostname, edit it locally on the machine that you want to access Autonomous Identity using a browser. Open a text editor and add an entry in the
(Linux/Unix) file orC:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts
(Windows) for the self-service and UI services for each managed target node.<Target IP Address> <target-environment>-ui.<domain-name>
For example:
If you set up a custom domain name and target environment, add the entries in
. For example:
For more information on customizing your domain name, see Customize Domains.
Access the Dashboard
Access the Autonomous Identity console UI:
Open a browser. If you set up your own url, use it for your login.
Log in as a test user.
test user: password: <password>
Check Apache Cassandra
Check Cassandra:
On the target node, check the status of Apache Cassandra.
$ /opt/autoid/apache-cassandra-3.11.2/bin/nodetool status
An example output is as follows:
Datacenter: datacenter1 ======================= Status=Up/Down |/ State=Normal/Leaving/Joining/Moving -- Address Load Tokens Owns (effective) Host ID Rack UN 1.33 MiB 256 100.0% a10a91a4-96e83dd-85a2-4f90d19224d9 rack1 --
Check MongoDB
Check the status of MongoDB:
On the target node, check the status of MongoDB.
$ mongo --tls \ --host <Host IP> \ --tlsCAFile /opt/autoid/mongo/certs/rootCA.pem \ --tlsAllowInvalidCertificates \ --tlsCertificateKeyFile /opt/autoid/mongo/certs/mongodb.pem
Check Apache Spark
Check Spark:
SSH to the target node and open Spark dashboard using the bundled text-mode web browser
$ elinks http://localhost:8080
You should see Spark Master status as ALIVE and worker(s) with State ALIVE.
Click to See an Example of the Spark Dashboard
Start the Analytics
If the previous installation steps all succeeded, you must now prepare your data’s entity definitions, data sources, and attribute mappings prior to running your analytics jobs. These step are required and are critical for a successful analytics process.
For more information, see Set Entity Definitions.