Directory Services 7.2.5

Enhanced Guide

Values of this syntax suggest criteria to be used in constructing filters to search for entries of a particular object class. The criteria are combinations of attribute types and filter operators.

For example, the value person#(sn$EQ)#oneLevel suggests searching for person entries with an equality filter to match surname (SN) attribute values with a scope of one level below the base DN.

The syntax follows this ABNF:

EnhancedGuide = object-class SHARP WSP criteria WSP
SHARP WSP subset
object-class  = WSP oid WSP
subset        = "baseobject" / "oneLevel" / "wholeSubtree"

criteria      = and-term *( BAR and-term )
and-term      = term *( AMPERSAND term )
term          = EXCLAIM term /
attributetype DOLLAR match-type /
LPAREN criteria RPAREN /
true /
match-type    = "EQ" / "SUBSTR" / "GE" / "LE" / "APPROX"
true          = "?true"
false         = "?false"
BAR           = %x7C  ; vertical bar ("|")
AMPERSAND     = %x26  ; ampersand ("&")
EXCLAIM       = %x21  ; exclamation mark ("!")

WSP           = 0*SPACE  ; zero or more " "
DOLLAR        = %x24 ; dollar sign ("$")
SPACE         = %x20 ; space (" ")
SHARP         = %x23 ; octothorpe (or sharp sign) ("#")
LPAREN        = %x28 ; left paren ("(")
RPAREN        = %x29 ; right paren (")")

attributetype = oid
oid           = descr / numericoid
descr         = keystring
numericoid    = number 1*( DOT number )
keystring     = leadkeychar *keychar
leadkeychar   = ALPHA
keychar       = ALPHA / DIGIT / HYPHEN
number        = DIGIT / ( LDIGIT 1*DIGIT )
ALPHA         = %x41-5A / %x61-7A   ; "A"-"Z" / "a"-"z"
DIGIT         = %x30 / LDIGIT       ; "0"-"9"
LDIGIT        = %x31-39             ; "1"-"9"
HEX           = DIGIT / %x41-46 / %x61-66 ; "0"-"9" / "A"-"F" / "a"-"f"

The syntax corresponds to the EnhancedGuide ASN.1 type defined by X.520.


RFC 4517


Enhanced Guide


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