Google Social Identity Provider

Set Up Google

To set up Google as a social identity provider, navigate to the Google API Manager. You'll need a Google account. If you have GMail, you already have a Google account. While you could use a personal Google account, it is best to use an organizational account to avoid problems if specific individuals leave your organization. When you set up a Google social identity provider, you'll need to perform the following tasks:

Plan ahead. It may take some time before the Google+ API that you configure for IDM is ready for use.

  • In the Google API Manager, select and enable the Google+ API. It is one of the Google "social" APIs.

  • Create a project for IDM.

  • Create OAuth client ID credentials. You'll need to configure an OAuth consent screen with at least a product name and email address.

  • When you set up a Web application for the client ID, you'll need to set up a web client with:

    • Authorized JavaScript origins

      The origin URL for IDM, typically a URL such as

    • Authorized redirect URIs

      The redirect URI after users are authenticated, typically,

  • In the list of credentials, you'll see a unique Client ID and Client secret. You'll need this information when you configure the Google social identity provider, as described in "Configure a Google Social Identity Provider".

For Google's procedure, see the Google Identity Platform documentation on Setting Up OAuth 2.0.

Configure a Google Social Identity Provider

  1. To configure a Google social identity provider, log in to the Admin UI and navigate to Configure > Social ID Providers.

  2. Enable the Google social identity provider, and if needed, select the edit icon.

  3. Include the Google values for Client ID and Client Secret for your project, as described earlier in this section.

  4. Under regular and Advanced Options, include the options shown in the following appendix: "Google Social Identity Provider Configuration Details".

When you enable a Google social identity provider in the Admin UI, IDM generates the identityProvider-google.json file in your project's conf/ subdirectory.

When you review that file, you should see information from what you configured in the Admin UI, and beyond. The first part of the file includes the name of the provider, endpoints, as well as the values for clientId and clientSecret.

    "enabled" : true,
    "authorizationEndpoint" : "",
    "tokenEndpoint" : "",
    "userInfoEndpoint" : "",
    "wellKnownEndpoint" : "",
    "issuer": "",
    "clientId" : "<someUUID>",
    "clientSecret" : {encrypted-client-secret},

You should also see UI settings related to the social identity provider icon (badge) and the sign-in button, described in "Social Identity Provider Button and Badge Properties".

You'll see links related to the authenticationIdKey, redirectUri, scopes, and configClass; the location may vary.

The file includes schema information, which includes properties for each social identity account, as collected by IDM, as well as the order in which it appears in the Admin UI. When you've registered a user with a Google social identity, you can verify this by selecting Manage > Google, and then selecting a user.

Another part of the file includes a propertyMap, which maps user information entries between the source (social identity provider) and the target (IDM).

If you need more information about the properties in this file, refer to the following appendix: "Google Social Identity Provider Configuration Details".

Configure User Registration to Link to Google

Once you've configured the Google social identity provider, you can activate it through User Registration. To do so in the Admin UI, select Configure > User Registration, and under the Social tab, enable the option associated with Social Registration. For more information on user self-service features, see "Self-Service End User UI".

When you enable social registration, you're allowing users to register on IDM through all active social identity providers.

Google Social Identity Provider Configuration Details

You can set up the Google social identity provider through the Admin UI or in a conf/identityProvider-google.json file. IDM generates the identityProvider-google.json file when you configure and enable this social identity provider in the Admin UI. Alternatively, you can create the file manually.

The following table includes the information shown in the Admin UI Google Provider pop-up window, along with associated information in the identityProvider-google.json file:

Property (UI)Property (JSON file)Description
Client IDclientIdThe client identifier for your Google Identity Platform project.
Client SecretclientSecretUsed with the Client ID to access the configured Google API.
Scopescope An array of strings that allows access to user data; see Google's documentation on Authorization Scopes.
Authorization EndpointauthorizationEndpointPer RFC 6749, "used to interact with the resource owner and obtain an authorization grant". For Google's implementation, see Forming the URL.
Token EndpointtokenEndpointEndpoint that receives a one-time authorization grant, and returns an access and ID token.
User Info EndpointuserInfoEndpointEndpoint that receives an access token, and returns information about the user.
Well-Known EndpointwellKnownEndpointAccess URL for Google's Discovery Document.
IssuerissuerThe token issuer. Typically,
Not in the Admin UInameName of the social identity provider.
Not in the Admin UItypeAuthentication module.
Not in the Admin UIauthenticationIdAuthentication identifier, as returned from the User Info Endpoint for each social identity provider.
Not in the Admin UIpropertyMapMapping between Google and IDM.

For information on social identity provider buttons and badges, see "Social Identity Provider Button and Badge Properties".

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