Directory Services 7.4.3


Creates Plugins.

In addition to the global dsconfig options, the dsconfig create-plugin subcommand takes the following options:

--plugin-name {name}

The name of the new Plugin.

--set {PROP:VALUE}

Assigns a value to a property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be assigned. Specify the same property multiple times in order to assign more than one value to it.

-t | --type {type}

The type of Plugin which should be created. The value for TYPE can be one of: attribute-cleanup | change-number-control | custom | entity-tag | entry-uuid | fractional-ldif-import | graphite-monitor-reporter | last-mod | ldap-attribute-description-list | password-policy-import | referential-integrity | samba-password | seven-bit-clean | unique-attribute.

Properties used in options depend on the type of object to configure.

For details about available properties, see Plugin.

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