docker push
This documentation describes the legacy CDK implementation, which will be deprecated in an upcoming release. We strongly recommend that you transition to the current CDK implementation as soon as possible. |
In the environment you’re setting up, Skaffold builds Docker images using the Docker software you’ve installed on your local computer. After it builds the images, Skaffold pushes them to a Docker registry available to your GKE cluster. With the images on the remote Docker registry, Skaffold can orchestrate the ForgeRock Identity Platform, creating containers from the Docker images.
For Skaffold to be able to push the Docker images:
Docker must be running on your local computer.
Your local computer needs credentials that let Skaffold push the images to the Docker registry available to your cluster.
Skaffold needs to know the location of the Docker registry.
To set up your local computer to push Docker images:
If it’s not already running, start Docker on your local computer. For more information, see the Docker documentation.
Set up a Docker credential helper:
$ gcloud auth configure-docker
Run the kubectx command to obtain the Kubernetes context.
Configure Skaffold with the Docker registry location you obtained from your cluster administrator and the Kubernetes context you obtained in Context for the Shared Cluster:
$ skaffold config set default-repo my-docker-registry -k my-kubernetes-context
Next Step
You’ve completed all the setup tasks required before deploying the ForgeRock Identity Platform in a shared GKE cluster. Now you’re ready to deploy the platform in your namespace on the shared cluster:
Understand CDK architecture (Minikube|Shared Cluster)
Set up your local environment (Minikube|Shared Cluster)