DS Operator
The DS operator is currently in technology preview status for production deployments. Do not use the operator in production deployments of the platform. The DS operator is supported in developer and demonstration deployments. The cdk install ds command checks to see whether the DS operator is present in your cluster, and installs it if it’s not. |
The DS operator uses the
operator design pattern to let you easily deploy and manage DS
instances running in a Kubernetes cluster. After you install the ds-operator
custom resource definition (CRD) in a cluster, you can use it to create
DS instances, scale them, and manage backup and restore.
To deploy the platform by using the DS operator, install the CDK (not the legacy CDK). During installation, progress messages indicate that the cdk command installs the DS operator:
Checking ds-operator and related CRDs: ds-operator CRD not found. Installing ds-operator. namespace/fr-system created customresourcedefinition.apiextensions.k8s.io/directoryservices.directory.forgerock.io created role.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/ds-operator-leader-election-role created clusterrole.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/ds-operator-directoryservice-editor-role created clusterrole.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/ds-operator-manager-role created rolebinding.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/ds-operator-leader-election-rolebinding created clusterrolebinding.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/ds-operator-directoryservice-editor-rolebinding created clusterrolebinding.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/ds-operator-manager-rolebinding created deployment.apps/ds-operator-ds-operator created Waiting for ds-operator… customresourcedefinition.apiextensions.k8s.io/directoryservices.directory.forgerock.io condition met deployment.apps/ds-operator-ds-operator condition met pod/ds-operator-ds-operator-f974dd8fc-z4vx8 condition met . . . Deploying ds.yaml. This is includes all directory resources. directoryservice.directory.forgerock.io/ds-idrepo created . . .
After you get the CDK up and running, you can explore the DS operator. Some things you might try:
Show the operator’s status:
$ kubectl describe directoryservice Name: ds-idrepo Namespace: my-namespace Labels: app.kubernetes.io/component=directory app.kubernetes.io/instance=ds-idrepo app.kubernetes.io/name=ds app.kubernetes.io/part-of=forgerock Annotations: <none> API Version: directory.forgerock.io/v1alpha1 Kind: DirectoryService Metadata: Creation Timestamp: 2021-05-18T23:18:27Z Generation: 2 Managed Fields: API Version: directory.forgerock.io/v1alpha1 Fields Type: FieldsV1 fieldsV1: f:metadata: f:annotations: .: f:kubectl.kubernetes.io/last-applied-configuration: f:labels: .: f:app.kubernetes.io/component: f:app.kubernetes.io/instance: f:app.kubernetes.io/name: f:app.kubernetes.io/part-of: f:spec: .: f:image: f:keystores: .: f:keyStoreSecretName: f:passwords: .: f:uid=admin: .: f:key: f:secretName: f:uid=am-config,ou=admins,ou=am-config: . . .
Scale one or both of the DS pods. For example:
$ kubectl scale directoryservice/ds-idrepo --replicas=2 directoryservice.directory.forgerock.io/ds-idrepo scaled
Modify DS properties:
$ kubectl edit directoryservice/ds-idrepo
For example, you could modify the backup properties (under
) to enable backups, or to change the backup interval. -
Take a volume snapshot. For more information, see Volume Snapshots (Preview) in the DS operator README.