
Minikube’s Docker Engine

This documentation describes the legacy CDK implementation, which will be deprecated in an upcoming release. We strongly recommend that you transition to the current CDK implementation as soon as possible.

Set up your local environment to execute docker commands on Minikube’s Docker engine.

ForgeRock recommends using the built-in Docker engine when developing custom Docker images using Minikube. When you use Minikube’s engine, you don’t have to build Docker images on a local engine and then push the images to a local or cloud-based Docker registry. Instead, you build images using the same Docker engine that Minikube uses. This streamlines development.

To set up your local computer to use Minikube’s Docker engine:

  1. Run the docker-env command in your shell:

    $ eval $(minikube docker-env)
  2. Stop Skaffold from pushing Docker images to a remote Docker registry [1]:

    $ skaffold config set --kube-context minikube local-cluster true
    set value local-cluster to true for context minikube

For more information about using Minikube’s built-in Docker engine, see Use local images by re-using the Docker daemon in the Minikube documentation.

Next Step

You’ve completed all the setup tasks for Minikube. Now you’re ready to deploy the platform in the Minikube cluster:

1. If your cluster’s context is not minikube, replace minikube with the actual context name in the skaffold config set command.
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