
About the Cloud Developer’s Kit

This documentation describes the legacy CDK implementation, which will be deprecated in an upcoming release. We strongly recommend that you transition to the current CDK implementation as soon as possible.

The CDK is a minimal sample deployment for development purposes. It includes fully integrated AM, IDM, and DS installations, and randomly generated secrets. Developers deploy the CDK, and then access AM’s and IDM’s GUI consoles and REST APIs to configure the platform and build customized Docker images for the platform.

This documentation describes how to use the CDK to stand up the platform in your developer environment, then create and test customized Docker images containing your custom AM and IDM configurations:

Illustrates the major configuration tasks performed before deploying in production.

Customizing the platform using the CDK is one of the major activities required before deploying the platform in production. To better understand how this activity fits in to the overall deployment process, see Configure the Platform.


The CDK uses Docker for containerization. The CDK leverages the following Docker capabilities:

  • File-Based Representation of Containers. Docker images contain a file system and run-time configuration information. Docker containers are running instances of Docker images.

  • Modularization. Docker images are based on other Docker images. For example, an AM image is based on a Tomcat image that is itself based on an OpenJDK JRE image. In this example, the AM container has AM software, Tomcat software, and the OpenJDK JRE.

  • Collaboration. Public and private Docker registries let users collaborate by providing cloud-based access to Docker images. Continuing with the example, the public Docker registry at has Docker images for Tomcat and the OpenJDK JRE that any user can download. You build Docker images for the ForgeRock Identity Platform based on the Tomcat and OpenJDK JRE images in the public Docker registry. You can then push the Docker images to a private Docker registry that other users in your organization can access.

ForgeRock provides a set of unsupported, evaluation-only base images for the ForgeRock Identity Platform. These images are available in ForgeRock’s public Docker registry.

Developers working with the CDK use the base images from ForgeRock to build customized Docker images for a fully-configured ForgeRock Identity Platform deployment:

Brief overview of containers for developers.

Users working with the CDM also use the base images from ForgeRock to perform proof-of-concept deployments.

Except for several Docker images that implement user interface elements, the base images from ForgeRock are evaluation-only. They are unsupported for production use. Because of this, you must build your own base images before you deploy in production:

Brief overview of containers in production.

For information about how to build base images for deploying the ForgeRock Identity Platform in production, see Base Docker Images.


The CDK uses Kubernetes for container orchestration. The CDK has been tested on the following Kubernetes implementations:

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