
Secure HTTP and Secure LDAP

The CDK and CDM enable secure communication with ForgeRock Identity Platform services using a TLS-enabled ingress controller. Incoming requests and outgoing responses are encrypted. TLS is terminated at the ingress controller.

Inbound communication to DS instances occurs over secure LDAP (LDAPS).

You can configure communication with ForgeRock Identity Platform services other than directory services using one of the following options:

  • Over HTTPS using a self-signed certificate. Communication is encrypted, but users will receive warnings about insecure communication from some browsers.

  • Over HTTPS using a certificate with a trust chain that starts at a trusted root certificate. Communication is encrypted, and users will not receive warnings from their browsers.

  • Over HTTPS using a dynamically obtained certificate from Let’s Encrypt. Communication is encrypted and users will not receive warnings from their browsers. A cert-manager pod installed in your Kubernetes cluster calls Let’s Encrypt to obtain a certificate, and then automatically installs a Kubernetes secret.

You install a Helm chart from the cert-manager project to provision certificates. By default, the pod issues a self-signed certificate. You can also configure the pod to issue a certificate with a trust chain that begins at a trusted root certificate, or to dynamically obtain a certificate from Let’s Encrypt.

Certificate Management Automation

In the CDM, certificate management is provided by the cert-manager add-on. The certificate manager deployed in CDM generates a self-signed certificate to secure CDM communication.

In your own deployment, you can specify a different certificate issuer or DNS challenge provider by changing values in the ingress.yaml file.

For more information about configuring certificate management, see the cert-manager documentation.

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