AM 7.2.2

Monitor with Prometheus

Prometheus is third-party software used for gathering and processing monitoring data. AM exposes an endpoint which Prometheus uses to gather metrics from the AM instance. For more information about installing and running Prometheus, see the Prometheus documentation.

When enabled, AM makes the Prometheus-formatted metrics available at the /json/metrics/prometheus endpoint.

Configure Prometheus to monitor the AM endpoint, using the prometheus.yml configuration file. For more information on configuring Prometheus, see the Prometheus configuration documentation.

Prometheus provides monitoring and processing for the information provided by AM, but further analysis and visualization may be desired. In this case, you can use tools such as Grafana to create customized charts and graphs based on the information collected by Prometheus.

For more information on installing and running Grafana, see the Grafana website.

For monitoring metrics reference, see Monitoring metrics.

Enable Prometheus monitoring

Before you let Prometheus access monitoring metrics, enable monitoring by going to Configure > Global Services > Monitoring and enabling Monitoring Status.

To enable Prometheus monitoring:

  1. Go to Configure > Global Services > Monitoring.

  2. On Secondary Configurations tab, click prometheus, then select Enabled.

  3. In the Authentication Type drop-down menu, select one of the following options:

    • None. Prometheus does not need to authenticate when accessing the endpoint.

    • HTTP Basic. Prometheus must authenticate using a username and a password when accessing the endpoint.

  4. If Prometheus must authenticate when accessing the endpoint, specify the Username and Password that it will use.

  5. Save your work.

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