IDM 7.2.2

Delete script

Connectors continue to be released outside the IDM release. For the latest documentation, refer to the ICF documentation.

A delete script deletes an object in the external resource. Connectors that do not support delete operations should throw an UnsupportedOperationException.

A sample delete script for an SQL database is provided in openidm/samples/scripted-sql-with-mysql/tools/DeleteScript.groovy.

Input variables

The following variables are available to an update script:


A handler to the connector’s configuration object.


A handler to the Operation Options.


An OperationType that corresponds to the action (DELETE).


The object class that is deleted, such as __ACCOUNT__ or __GROUP__.


The UID of the object to be deleted. The UID corresponds to the OpenICF __UID__ attribute.


A logger instance for the connector.


This script has no return value but should throw an exception if the delete is unsuccessful.

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