IDM 7.2.2

Incompatible changes

When you update to IDM 7.2.0, the following changes may impact existing deployments. Adjust existing scripts, files, and clients, as necessary.

Default onDelete behavior

The default onDelete behavior previously called a file-based script, onDelete-roles.js. This has been removed from the managed object configuration.

Felix and OSGi upgrades

IDM has upgraded to OSGi Core 8.0 and Felix Framework 7.0.0.

JMS 2.0 upgrade

The samples that use the Java Message Service (JMS) have been upgraded to use the 2.0 API and Apache ActiveMQ Artemis:

PATCH request exceptions

Previously, illegal PATCH requests could return a 400 or 500 exception. In such cases, IDM now returns a 400 status.

Policy enforcement on role name

The name property of a managed role is now subject to the uniqueness policy by default. This means that you cannot create multiple roles with the same name. To change this behavior, adjust the policy validation on the role property in your managed object configuration.

Precedence in locales in the self-registration email template

Previously, the defaultLocale specified in the Self-Registration Email Template configuration took precedence. As of IDM 7.2, locales specified as preferredLocales in the Accept-Language header take precedence over the defaultLocale.

Paused queued synchronization for unavailable routes

Synchronization queue processing for a mapping is now paused if either the source or target system route are unregistered. For more information, see Configure queued synchronization.

Embedded workflow database

Previously, you could use the Flowable workflow engine’s embedded H2 database for demo and testing purposes. IDM no longer includes this database. Before you use workflow, you must install a JDBC repository.

For more information, see Enable workflows.

Default MySQL connection driver

The default JDBC Connection Configuration now uses the connection driver from MySQL 8.1 (com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver).

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