Access Management 7.3.1

Authorization server configuration

Configure the OAuth2 Provider service in a realm to expose the OAuth 2.0 endpoints and OAuth 2.0 administration REST endpoints.

  1. In the AM admin UI, go to Realms > Realm Name > Services, and click Add a Service.

  2. From the drop-down list, select the OAuth2 Provider service, leave the remaining fields empty, and click Create.

  3. On the OAuth 2.0 provider page, select the Advanced tab.

  4. Configure the Grant Types that clients will be able to use to request access, refresh, and ID tokens.

    Grant types reference
    Refresh Token
    Resource Owner Password Credentials
    Client Credentials
    Device Code
    Authorization Code
    Back Channel Request
    JWT Bearer
    Token Exchange

    Related information:

  5. Configure the Response Type Plugins you need in your environment, based on the grant type flows that you will allow.

    Response plugins let the provider issue access tokens, ID tokens, authorization codes, and others, when the client requests a flow that interacts with the /oauth2/authorize endpoint.

    Response type plugin reference
    • The id_token and none response types are used in OpenID Connect flows.

    • The code response type is used in the OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect Authorization Code grant flows.

    • The device_code response type was used for the Device grant flow, but it is not required in the current implementation and will be removed in a future release of AM.

    • The token response type is used in the OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect Implicit flows.

  6. Configure Persistent Claims

    Persistence lets you retain custom claims when you refresh an access token.

    In the Persistent Claims field, enter the claims that must be persisted between tokens. When an access token is refreshed, any claims that are listed here will be on the new token.

    • These claims are added before the access token modification script, allowing you to manipulate them in the modification script. For example, if a token has a claim called hostname that you want to be persisted when the token is refreshed, you could add that claim to the Persistent Claims list. You could then modify the script to persist that hostname in the new token, if it exists, or to add a hostname to the new token, if it does not exist.

    • Only custom, non-standard claims can be persisted. Standard claims such as scope (defined in the OAuth2 specification) and auditTrackingId (defined by default in AM) cannot be persisted.

  7. For other configuration options, see Additional configuration.

Additional configuration

The OAuth 2.0 provider is highly configurable:

  • To configure the OAuth 2.0 provider in the AM admin UI, go to Realms > Realm Name > Services, and select OAuth2 Provider.

  • To adjust global OAuth 2.0 provider defaults, go to Configure > Global Services, and click OAuth2 Provider.

See the OAuth2 Provider reference section for details on each of the fields in the provider.

OAuth 2.0 Provider Configuration Options
Task Resources

Configure the authorization server to issue refresh tokens

Learn why refresh tokens are useful in your environment, how to configure AM to issue them, and how to request them.

Adjust the lifetimes of tokens and codes

If necessary, adjust the lifetimes for authorization codes (a lifetime of 10 minutes or less is recommended in RFC 6749), access tokens, and refresh tokens.

Configure them on the Core tab of the provider.


Configure OAuth 2.0 server behavior

AM provides plugin points that let you extend default OAuth 2.0 server behavior. Use these extension points to customize:

  • The content of OAuth 2.0 access tokens

  • The validation of requested scopes

  • The resource owner information retrieved based on an issued access token

  • Scope values that are returned for an access token

  • Data that is returned from an authorization request

Configure the OAuth 2.0 provider for token exchange

Following the OAuth 2.0 Token Exchange specification, the provider can let your clients exchange tokens.

Configure the OAuth 2.0 service to provide scopes dynamically

The OAuth 2.0 provider can leverage the AM Authorization service to grant or deny scopes dynamically.

Configure a custom response plugin

To configure a custom response type plugin, add it to the AM classpath, and add the custom response types and the plugin class names to the list of Response Type Plugins field, on the Advanced tab.


Decide how scopes appear in the consent pages

To change how scopes appear, configure the Client Registration Scope Allowlist field on the Advanced tab of the OAuth 2.0 provider.

Scopes may be entered as simple strings or pipe-separated strings representing the internal scope name, locale, and localized description. For example: read|en|Permission to view email messages in your account.

Decide how to manage consent

You can:

  • Allow users to save consent so the OAuth 2.0 provider remembers their consented scopes.

  • Allow clients to skip consent so no consent page is displayed to the resource owners.

  • Allow clients to revoke consent.

Configure a remote consent server

This is useful, for example, when your environment must hand off the consent-gathering part of the OAuth 2.0 flows to a separate service.

Configure the attribute AM uses to retrieve the user profile

This is useful, for example, in cases where the resource owner should log in with their email address instead of with a username.

Configure client-side tokens

Configure client-side tokens so that resource servers can directly introspect the tokens without making a call to AM.

Configure OpenID-Connect specific options

UMA providers also use these options.

Change the attribute used to find the user profile

If you use an external identity repository, and users log in with an attribute other than their user ID (such as an email address), you must configure AM authentication to allow this.

For example, to let resource owners log in using an email address, stored in the LDAP mail attribute, follow these steps:

  1. On the OAuth2 provider Advanced tab, add the LDAP profile attribute to the User Profile Attribute(s) the Resource Owner is Authenticated On list, and save your changes.

  2. Go to Realms > Realm Name > Identity Stores > Identity Store Name > Authentication Configuration.

  3. Set the value of the Authentication Naming Attribute field to the LDAP attribute required.

    For example, mail.

    If you change the value of Authentication Naming Attribute after you have deployed and configured AM, you must update or recreate all existing identities to refresh user DNs.

    Failure to do so could result in unsuccessful authentication or risk of impersonation attacks.

  4. Create an LDAP authentication module or an LDAP decision node to use with the identity repository.

    Configure the following fields:

    • In the Attribute Used to Retrieve User Profile field, set the attribute to mail.

    • In the Attributes Used to Search for a User to be Authenticated list, add the mail attribute.

    • Save your changes.

  5. Ensure the resource owners use the authentication mechanism you configured.

    Specify the tree or chain by using one or more of the methods below. AM checks for the configured value in the following order, using the first value found:

    1. For a specific access token REST request.

      Set the auth_chain parameter.

    2. Individually for a realm, overriding the realm-level setting below.

      Go to Realms > Realm Name > Services > OAuth2 Provider > Advanced, and set the Password Grant Authentication Service property.

    3. Individually for a realm.

      Go to Realms > Realm Name > Authentication > Settings > Core, and set the Organization Authentication Configuration property.

    4. Globally, for all realms.

      Go to Configure > Authentication > Core Attributes > Core, and set the Organization Authentication Configuration property.

For more information, see Configure AM for authentication.

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