ForgeRock Developer Experience

Customize the SDKs

You can customize the ForgeRock SDKs to suit your exact requirements.

For information on how to customize the SDK, refer to the following:

Intercept and modify REST calls

The ForgeRock SDKs support modification of REST API calls before they are sent.

For example, you can customize:

  • Request parameters

  • Headers

  • Request URLs

  • Request methods

  • The request body and post data

Use and customize loggers

You can customize how the ForgeRock SDKs output debug logs.

For example, you could direct them to a third-party logging service, or prefix each message before outputting them to the console.

Customize storage

There are use cases where you might need to customize how the SDKs store data

For example, you might be running on hardware that provides specialized security features.

For these cases, the SDKs allow you to provide your own storage classes.

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