ForgeRock Developer Experience

Use and customize loggers

Applies to:

  • ForgeRock SDK for Android

  • ForgeRock SDK for iOS

  • ForgeRock SDK for JavaScript

About the default Android SDK logger

The ForgeRock Android SDK does all of its logging through a custom interface called FRLogger. The default implementation of this interface logs the messages through the native Android Log class. This displays messages from the SDK in real-time in the Logcat window in Android Studio.

The log severity levels defined in the Android SDK are as follows:

Log level Description


Show debug log messages intended only for development, as well as the message levels lower in this list; INFO, WARN, and ERROR.

In addition, all network activities of the SDK are included in the logs.


Show expected log messages for regular usage, as well as the message levels lower in this list, WARN, and ERROR.


Show possible issues that are not yet errors, as well as the messages of ERROR log level.


Show issues that caused errors.


No log messages are shown.

The log levels are cumulative.

If you select a lower severity level, all messages logged at higher severity levels are also included. For example, if you select the DEBUG level, the log includes all events logged at the DEBUG, INFO, WARN, and ERROR levels.

By default, the log level of the Android SDK is set to Logger.Level.WARN.

Customize the Android SDK logger

The ForgeRock Android SDK allows developers to customize the default logger behavior:

  1. Create a class that implements the FRLogger interface:

    import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
    public class MyCustomLogger implements FRLogger {
        public void error(@Nullable String tag, @Nullable Throwable t, @Nullable String message, @Nullable Object... values) {
            /// Custom error message handling...
        public void error(@Nullable String tag, @Nullable String message, @Nullable Object... values) {
            /// Custom error message handling...
        public void warn(@Nullable String tag, @Nullable String message, @Nullable Object... values) {
            /// Custom warning message handling...
        public void warn(@Nullable String tag, @Nullable Throwable t, @Nullable String message, @Nullable Object... values) {
            /// Custom warning message handling...
        public void debug(@Nullable String tag, @Nullable String message, @Nullable Object... values) {
            /// Custom debug message handling...
        public void info(@Nullable String tag, @Nullable String message, @Nullable Object... values) {
            /// Custom info message handling...
        public void network(@Nullable String tag, @Nullable String message, @Nullable Object... values) {
            /// Custom network details handling...
        public boolean isNetworkEnabled() {
            return true; // include network call details in the logs
  2. In your application, set the custom logger and desired log level:

    Logger.setCustomLogger(new MyCustomLogger()); // The default logger will no longer be active
  3. You can now use the Logger interface in your app.

    For example:

    String TAG = MainActivity.class.getSimpleName();
    Logger.debug (TAG, "Happy logging!");

About the default iOS SDK logger

The ForgeRock SDK for iOS does all of its logging through a custom protocol called FRLogger. The default implementation of the FRLogger protocol logs the messages through the native iOS FRConsoleLogger class. This displays messages from the SDK in real-time in the console window in Xcode.

Each log message has an associated log level that describes the type and the severity of the message. Log levels are helpful tool for tracking and analyzing events that take place in your app.

The log severity levels defined in the iOS SDK are as follows:

Log level Description


Prevent logging


Logs that are not important or can be ignored


Logs that maybe helpful or meaningful for debugging, or understanding the flow


Logs for network traffic, including request and response


Logs that are a minor issue or an error that can be ignored


Logs that are a severe issue or a major error that impacts the SDK’s functionality or flow


Logs at all levels

The log levels are not cumulative. That is, you should explicitly specify all the log levels you want to record.

For example, if you select the debug level, the output only includes events logged at debug level.

To include other levels, you must specify an array of the required log levels.

By default, the log level of the ForgeRock SDK for iOS is set to LogLevel.none.

Customize the iOS SDK logger

The ForgeRock SDK for iOS lets developers customize the default logger behavior:

  1. Create a class that conforms to the FRLogger protocol:

    class MyCustomLogger: FRLogger {
        func logVerbose(timePrefix: String, logPrefix: String, message: String) {
            /// Custom verbose message handling...
        func logInfo(timePrefix: String, logPrefix: String, message: String) {
            /// Custom info message handling...
        func logNetwork(timePrefix: String, logPrefix: String, message: String) {
            /// Custom network message handling...
        func logWarning(timePrefix: String, logPrefix: String, message: String) {
            /// Custom warning message handling...
        func logError(timePrefix: String, logPrefix: String, message: String) {
            /// Custom error message handling...
  2. In your application, set the custom logger and desired log level:

    FRLog.setCustomLogger(MyCustomLogger()) // The default logger will no longer be active
  3. You can now use the FRLog class in your app.

    For example:

    FRLog.v("Happy logging!")

About the default JavaScript SDK logger

The ForgeRock JavaScript SDK performs logging through the native console class. This displays messages from the SDK in real-time in the console window provided in many browsers.

The default logLevel is none, which prevents the SDK for JavaScript from logging any messages to the console.

To enable the output of log messages from the SDK for JavaScript, specify a logLevel value other than none.

For example, use the following code to specify the debug level:

Setting the log level in the SDK for JavaScript configuration
  serverConfig: {
    baseUrl: '',
    timeout: 5000,
  logLevel: 'debug',

The log severity levels defined in the JavaScript SDK are as follows:

Log level Description


Show debug log messages intended only for development, as well as the message levels lower in this list; info, warn, and error.

In addition, all network activities of the SDK are included in the logs.


Show expected log messages for regular usage, as well as the message levels lower in this list, warn, and error.


Show possible issues that are not yet errors, as well as the messages of error log level.


Show issues that caused errors.


No log messages are shown. This is the default setting.

The log levels are cumulative. If you select a lower severity level, all messages logged at higher severity levels are also included.

For example, if you select the debug level, the output includes all events logged by the SDK at debug, info, warn, and error levels.

For more information on configuring the SDK for JavaScript, refer to ForgeRock SDK for JavaScript Properties

Customize the JavaScript SDK logger

The ForgeRock SDK for JavaScript allows developers to customize the default logger behavior. For example, you might want to redirect the logs to an external service.

  1. Create a function that implements the LoggerFunctions interface.

    For example, the following code adds a prefix to each log message from the SDK and logs it to the console:

    const customLogger = {
      warn: (msg) => console.warn(`[FR SDK] ${msg}`),
      error: (msg) => console.error(`[FR SDK] ${msg}`),
      log: (msg) => console.log(`[FR SDK] ${msg}`),
      info: (msg) =>`[FR SDK] ${msg}`),

    The signature of the interface defaults to the following:

    (…​msgs: unknown[]) ⇒ void

    You can pass your own type definition into the Generic if required. For example:

    // typescript generic example
    type YourAsyncLoggerType = LoggerFunctions<
      (...msgs: unknown[]) => Promise<void>,
      (...msgs: unknown[]) => Promise<void>,
      (...msgs: unknown[]) => Promise<void>,
      (...msgs: unknown[]) => Promise<void>
    const customLoggerWithApiCall: YourAsyncLoggerType = {
      warn: (msg) => yourAsyncLogFunction.warn(`[FR SDK] ${msg}`),
      error: (msg) => yourAsyncLogFunction.error(`[FR SDK] ${msg}`),
      log: (msg) => yourAsyncLogFunction.log(`[FR SDK] ${msg}`),
      info: (msg) =>`[FR SDK] ${msg}`),
  2. In the SDK configuration of your app, specify the custom logger and required log level:

        serverConfig: {
            baseUrl: '',
            timeout: '5000'
        logLevel: 'error',
        logger: customLogger,

    The SDK redirects its logging output to your custom handler.

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