Identity Cloud

PingOne Protect Evaluation node

The PingOne Protect Evaluation node contacts PingOne to calculate the risk level and other risk-related details associated with an event.

Depending on how you configure your risk policies in PingOne, the response could return a risk score, a risk level, such as high, medium, or low, and recommended actions, such as bot mitigation.

For more information, refer to PingOne Protect > How it Works.


Product Compatible?

ForgeRock Identity Cloud


ForgeRock Access Management (self-managed)


ForgeRock Identity Platform (self-managed)



This node use shared state variables that contain the PingOne and as input. If these values are not available, the node uses the UserId and Username variables from the current context for these values.

This node requires that you initialized PingOne Protect in your client application. For example, by using a PingOne Protect Evaluation node node previously in the journey or by initializing the SDK within the app itself.


This node requires you place PingOne Protect Initialize node previously in the journey.

This node also requires a PingOne Service configuration, so that it can connect to your PingOne instance and send it the necessary data to make risk evaluations.


The configuration properties are as follows:

Property Type Usage

PingOne Service ID


The ID of the PingOne service for connecting to PingOne.

Target App ID


Optional. The ID of the target application.

Risk Policy Set ID


Optional. The ID of the risk policy set. If not specified, the environment’s default risk policy set is used.

Flow Type


The type of flow or event for which the risk evaluation is being carried out. Default: AUTHENTICATION. Options are:

  • REGISTRATION. Initial registration of an account.

  • AUTHENTICATION. Standard authentication for login or actions, such as password change.

  • ACCESS. Verification of whether the user can access the relevant application.

  • AUTHORIZATION. Verification of whether the user is authorized to perform a specific action, such as profile change.

  • TRANSACTION. Authentication carried out in the context of a purchase or some other one-time transaction.

Device Sharing Type


Whether the device is shared between users. Default: SHARED. Options are:




User Type

String a

The type of user associated with the event. Default: EXTERNAL.

* EXTERNAL. User who exists outside PingOne, such as a federated user. * PING_ONE. User who exists within the PingOne environment.

Score Threshold


The Exceed Scores Threshold outcome when the risk score is greater than the score limit. Typically, this property is an indicator that authentication should be mitigated. Default: 300.

Recommended Actions


The list of recommended actions returned from the risk evaluation. Each entry in the list becomes a node outcome. If the score does not exceed the Score Threshold value and a recommended action is present in the response from PingOne Protect, the journey continues down the matching entry in this list.

Pause Behavioral Data


After receiving the device signal, instruct the client to pause collecting behavioral data. Default: True.

Node State Attribute For User ID


Optional. The Node state variable that contains the as it displays in PingOne Protect. If left blank, the node uses the current context UserId as the

Node State Attribute For Username


Optional. The Node state variable that contains the as it displays in PingOne Protect. If left blank, the node uses the current context Username as the

Store Risk Evaluation


Stores the risk evaluation response in the node state under a key named PingOneProtectEvaluationNode.RISK. Default: False.

NOTE: The key is empty if the node is unable to retrieve a risk evaluation from PingOne.


If you enable the Store Risk Evaluation property, the node outputs the risk evaluation response JSON in a state variable (transient state) named PingOneProtectEvaluationNode.RISK.


The PingOne Protect Evaluation node parses part of the Risk Evaluation API response, and routes it to the corresponding outcome.

Outcome Result Description


result.level = HIGH

The risk evaluation level is considered a HIGH risk score.


result.level = MEDIUM

The risk evaluation level is considered a MEDIUM risk score.


result.level = LOW

The risk evaluation level is considered a LOW risk score.

Exceed Score Threshold

result.score > score.limit

The risk score exceeds the configured score threshold (300) and is considered too risky to complete successfully.


The risk evaluation could not be completed, such as PingOne server down, API failure.


The risk evaluation returned a recommended action to check for the presence of a human-simulated bot, so the evaluation continues to a CAPTCHA node.


The client returned an error when attempting to capture the data to perform a risk evaluation, so the authentication attempt continues to the Failure node.



  • "Unable to get username attribute for identity '{}', returning username for Account Name."

  • "Outcome not found for recommended action '{}'"

  • "PingOne Protect risk evaluation failed"

Audit log attribute:

  • PINGONE_RISK_EVALUATE_ID: Indicates the ID of the created evaluation.

  • PINGONE_RISK_ENV_ID: Indicates the PingOne environment.


Refer to the Set up your journey section for an example of setting up this node in your journey.

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