PingOne Advanced Identity Cloud

Constrain identity queries in the UI

PingOne Advanced Identity Cloud lets you constrain queries in two ways when managing identities with the Advanced Identity Cloud admin UI:

Constraining how the Advanced Identity Cloud admin UI can be used can improve overall Advanced Identity Cloud performance because the constraints forbid queries that might inadvertently use a large amount of computing resources.

If you encounter slow or failed searches when searching for users in the IDM admin UI, refer to the knowledge base article Searching for users in the UI is very slow in Identity Cloud for troubleshooting ideas.

Require a minimum length search string

You can require Advanced Identity Cloud administrators to enter a minimum length string when querying identities using the Advanced Identity Cloud admin UI. This setting also disables sorting search results unless a minimum length string has been specified in the search box.

Applying this setting can speed up the time it takes to retrieve records from large identity data sets.

This setting only affects queries performed in the Advanced Identity Cloud admin UI. It does not affect Advanced Identity Cloud REST API queries.

To apply the setting:

  1. In the Advanced Identity Cloud admin UI, go to Identities > Configure to access the Configure Identities page.

  2. Click on an identity profile. For example, if you want to configure the UI for managing identities in the Alpha realm, click Alpha realm - User.

  3. Enter a number greater than zero in the Minimum Characters field.

  4. Click Save.

To verify that the setting is in effect:

  1. Go to Identities > Manage.

  2. Select the identity profile that corresponds to the one you configured when you applied the setting.

  3. Click one of the column titles at the top of the search results to attempt to sort the results.

    You should not be able to sort the results. Sorting by column should have been disabled.

  4. Specify a string in the Search field that has fewer characters than the minimum number of characters you specified in the profile’s configuration. Then, press Enter.

    The search operation should not be permitted.

  5. Specify a string in the Search field that has the minimum number of characters you specified in the profile’s configuration. Then, press Enter.

    The search operation should be permitted.

  6. Click one of the column titles at the top of the search results to sort the results.

    Sorting the search results should now be permitted.

Forbid sorting or searching resource collections

A resource collection is a set of identities that has a relationship with another identity. For example:

  • All the users with a particular role assignment

  • All the users who are members of an organization

You can forbid Advanced Identity Cloud delegated administrators from sorting resource collections and performing searches within resource collections in the Advanced Identity Cloud admin UI.

This setting only affects delegated administrators using the Advanced Identity Cloud end-user UI. It does not affect tenant administrators using the Advanced Identity Cloud admin UI.

To apply the setting:

  1. In the Advanced Identity Cloud admin UI, go to Identities > Configure to access the Configure Identities page.

  2. Click on an identity profile. For example, if you want to configure the UI for managing identities in the Alpha realm, click Alpha realm - User.

  3. Click the Disable sorting and searching on grids that use this object as a resource collection toggle.

  4. Click Save.

To verify that the setting is in effect:

  1. Log out of Advanced Identity Cloud.

  2. Log in to Advanced Identity Cloud as a delegated administrator.

  3. Select an identity profile that has a relationship with the profile you configured when you applied the setting.

    For example, if you disabled sorting and search for Alpha realm - User grids, then you could select Alpha realm - organization because organizations have members (which are users).

  4. Find the name of an organization for which you’re the delegated administrator.

  5. Click its More () menu, and choose Edit.

  6. Click Members to bring up the collection of users that are members of your organization.

  7. Click First Name to attempt to sort the identities by first name.

    Sorting the search results should not be permitted.

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