Identity Cloud

Localize login and end-user pages

Identity Cloud lets you localize login and end-user pages to support the different languages of your end users. Use ISO-639-1 language codes (for example fr and de) to provide locale specific content in as many locales as you need.

Localize at feature level

You can localize the following features related to journey and account pages:

Feature Description

Hosted pages

Refer to Localize headers and footers and Localize the favicon and theme logo.

Security questions

Refer to Security questions.

Terms and conditions

Refer to Terms and conditions.

Email templates

Refer to Email templates.

Localize journey authentication nodes

You can individually localize authentication nodes that display content in journey pages. For example, the Page node lets you add content to the Page Header property to display an initial journey message to end users. You can define as many localized versions of the message as you need:

ui journeys page node page header modal

Localize at UI level

You can localize static content and server messages in the login and end-user UIs using translation configuration. Translation configuration lets you define a locale-specific set of key/phrase translation pairs that override the default set of key/phrase pairs. You can override some or all of the default keys, in as many locales as you need. The translation configuration has an effect in all realms.

The UIs try to find a translation configuration for the locale requested by an end user’s browser. If no locale is found, Identity Cloud defaults to using the en (English) locale.

To manage translation configuration, use the /openidm/config/uilocale/* endpoint in the REST API.

Translation configuration format

The translation configuration format for each locale includes the following:

    "enduser": {(1)
        "pages": {
            "dashboard": {
                "widgets": {
                    "welcome": {
                        "greeting": "Translation for predefined 'greeting' key",(2)
        "overrides": {
            "FirstName": "Translation for literal phrase 'First Name'",(3)
            "LastName": "Translation for literal phrase 'Last Name'"(3)
    "login": {(1)
        "login": {
            "next": "Translation for predefined 'next' key"(2)
        "overrides": {
            "UserName": "Translation for literal phrase 'User Name'",(3)
            "Password": "Translation for literal phrase 'Password'"(3)
    "shared": {(1)
        "sideMenu": {
            "dashboard": "Translation for predefined 'dashboard' key"(2)
1 Top-level blocks

The enduser, login, and shared top-level blocks correspond to the names of the UI packages in GitHub:

2 Key/phrase translation pairs with predefined keys

Key/phrase translation pairs are predefined in the en locale translation files for each package and represent all text output that Identity Cloud presents by default. Use the following packages to find the default key/phrase translations so that you can define translations for your locale:

To create different translations in the enduser and login blocks for a key from the shared block, copy the JSON structure for the shared key into each of the enduser and login blocks. This overrides the key in the shared block.
3 Key/phrase translation pairs with literal keys

Key/phrase translation pairs defined within an override block are not predefined. Instead, the key is made from a literal phrase with all non-alphanumeric characters (including underscores) stripped out.

Define translation pairs with literal keys to be a catch-all solution for any UI phrases that have not been defined, or for any unlocalized phrases that come directly from the backend servers.

The example under the login top-level block shows two literal keys that translate the placeholder text from input fields that are part of an authentication journey. This approach can be taken to translate server output from authentication messages and journey nodes. The example under the enduser top-level block shows a similar approach that translates output from end-user account pages.

You can also add an override block to the shared top-level block.

Translation precedence and fall back

The UIs translate each key/phrase pair in a particular order. They initially determine a primary locale using the requested language from an end user’s browser. If no translation is found using the primary locale, they fall back to the default en locale.

The translation precedence for an end user with a browser locale of fr (French) is:

  1. Attempt to use the primary fr locale:

    Look for the translation key in any translation configuration for the fr locale:


    If the translation configuration is not present, a 404 response is returned.

  1. Fall back to the default en locale:

    1. Look for the translation key in any translation configuration for the en locale:

      If the translation configuration is not present, a 404 response is returned.

    2. Look for the translation key in the translation files for the en locale :

      • platform-enduser/src/locales/en.json

      • platform-login/src/locales/en.json

      • platform-shared/src/locales/en.json

You may notice one or more 404 responses in the browser console for the /openidm/config/uilocale/* endpoint. These are expected and do not indicate a UI error; the 404 responses mean that the UI cannot locate a translation configuration override, which is valid if you have not added one.

To suppress the 404 responses, create a translation configuration with an empty body for each locale reporting a 404 response.


Create or replace translation configuration

  1. Create an access token for the realm where you want to apply the translation.

  2. Create or replace the translation configuration for each locale:

    Show request
    $ curl \
    --request PUT 'https://<tenant-env-fqdn>/openidm/config/uilocale/<locale>' \(1)
    --header 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token>' \(2)
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --data-raw '{(3)
        "enduser": {
            "pages": {
                "dashboard": {
                    "widgets": {
                        "welcome": {
                            "greeting": "Bonjour"
            "overrides": {
                "FirstName": "Prénom",
                "LastName": "Nom de famille"
        "login": {
            "login": {
                "next": "Suivant"
            "overrides": {
                "UserName": "Nom d'\''utilisateur",
                "Password": "Mot de passe"
        "shared": {
            "sideMenu": {
                "dashboard": "Tableau de bord"
    1 Replace <locale> with a locale identifier. Some examples are:
    • en (English)

    • es (Spanish)

    • fr (French)

    • en-us (English - United States)

    • es-ar (Spanish - Argentina)

    • fr-ca (French - Canada)

    2 Replace <access-token> with the access token.
    3 Replace the example translation configuration with your own translation configuration.
    Show response
        "_id": "uilocale/fr",
        "enduser": {
            "pages": {
                "dashboard": {
                    "widgets": {
                        "welcome": {
                            "greeting": "Bonjour"
            "overrides": {
                "FirstName": "Prénom",
                "LastName": "Nom de famille"
        "login": {
            "login": {
                "next": "Suivant"
            "overrides": {
                "UserName": "Nom d'utilisateur",
                "Password": "Mot de passe"
        "shared": {
            "sideMenu": {
                "dashboard": "Tableau de bord"
    the locale you specify in the PUT request becomes the name of the corresponding backend JSON file. For example, if the locale you create is fr, then the backend JSON file would be fr.json.

View translation configuration

You do not need an access token to view the translation configuration because it is publicly accessible.

  1. View the translation configuration using a GET request:

    Show request
    $ curl \
    --request GET 'https://<tenant-env-fqdn>/openidm/config/uilocale/<locale>' \(1)
    --header 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token>' (2)
    1 Replace <locale> with a locale identifier, such as fr.
    2 Replace <access-token> with the access token.
    Show response
        "_id": "uilocale/fr",
        "enduser": {
            "pages": {
                "dashboard": {
                    "widgets": {
                        "welcome": {
                            "greeting": "Bonjour"
            "overrides": {
                "FirstName": "Prénom",
                "LastName": "Nom de famille"
        "login": {
            "login": {
                "next": "Suivant"
            "overrides": {
                "UserName": "Nom d'utilisateur",
                "Password": "Mot de passe"
        "shared": {
            "sideMenu": {
                "dashboard": "Tableau de bord"

    When attempting to view the default en translation, as described in View translation configuration, no results are returned. To view the default en translation, refer to the following UI package files:

    If you receive a 404 response, the locale is not defined. To create a locale, refer to Create or replace translation configuration.

Delete translation configuration

  1. Create an access token for the realm where the translations are applied.

  2. Delete the translation configuration:

    Show request
    $ curl \
    --request DELETE 'https://<tenant-env-fqdn>/openidm/config/uilocale/<locale>' \(1)
    --header 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token>' (2)
    1 Replace <locale> with a locale identifier, such as fr.
    2 Replace <access-token> with the access token.
    Show response
        "_id": "uilocale/fr",
        "enduser": {
            "pages": {
                "dashboard": {
                    "widgets": {
                        "welcome": {
                            "greeting": "Bonjour"
            "overrides": {
                "FirstName": "Prénom",
                "LastName": "Nom de famille"
        "login": {
            "login": {
                "next": "Suivant"
            "overrides": {
                "UserName": "Nom d'utilisateur",
                "Password": "Mot de passe"
        "shared": {
            "sideMenu": {
                "dashboard": "Tableau de bord"
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