PingOne Advanced Identity Cloud

Examples of workflows

This section presents grant workflow examples featuring workflow nodes. For detailed information on each node, refer to Workflow nodes.

This section covers the following example workflows:

Application grant workflow

In this example, an administrator wants to create an application grant workflow that:

  • Requires the manager to approve the request.

  • If approved, check what line of business (LOB) the application is in.

  • Based on the LOB, the workflow requires a separate approver to approve the request.


  • Each application has an application owner. You populate this value for each target application.

  • You create an application glossary attribute LOB, and populate the LOB for each application. For this scenario, the LOBs are:

    • Sales

    • Finance

    • Human Resources

  • Your end users have a manager assigned to them. An administrator populates this property and isn’t modifiable by the end user.


An example of an application grant workflow.
  • 1 Using an Approval node, the manager of the end user must approve the request.

  • 2 If approved, a Script node checks the application glossary attribute lineOfBusiness (LOB), and sets the outcome based on the LOB of the application. Based on the outcome, the Switch node evaluates the LOB.

    Click to display LOB script
    var content = execution.getVariables();
    var requestId = content.get('id');
    var requestObj = null;
    var appId = null;
    var appGlossary = null;
    var lob = null;
    try {
      requestObj = openidm.action('iga/governance/requests/' + requestId, 'GET', {}, {});
      appId =;
      catch (e) {"Validation failed: Error reading application grant request with id " + requestId);
    try {
      appGlossary = openidm.action('iga/governance/application/' + appId + '/glossary', 'GET', {}, {});
      lob = appGlossary.lineOfBusiness;
      execution.setVariable("lob", lob);
    catch (e) {"Could not retrieve glossary with appId " + appId + " from application grant request ID " + requestId);
  • 3 If the LOB is:

    • sales — An Approval node requires members of the role Sales App Approver to approve the request.

    • finance — An Approval node requires members ot the fole Finance App Approver to approve the request.

    • humanResources — An Approval node requires members of the role Human Resources App Approver to approve the request.

    • null — An Approval node requires the application owner to approve the request.

  • 4 If the required approvals are met, a Script node runs a validation check.

    Click to display App Grant Validation script"Running application grant request validation");
    var content = execution.getVariables();
    var requestId = content.get('id');
    var failureReason = null;
    var applicationId = null;
    var app = null;
    try {
      var requestObj = openidm.action('iga/governance/requests/' + requestId, 'GET', {}, {});
      applicationId =;
      catch (e) {
        failureReason = "Validation failed: Error reading request with id " + requestId;
    // Validation 1 - Check application exists
    if (!failureReason) {
      try {
        app ='managed/alpha_application/' + applicationId);
        if (!app) {
          failureReason = "Validation failed: Cannot find application with id " + applicationId;
      catch (e) {
        failureReason = "Validation failed: Error reading application with id " + applicationId + ". Error message: " + e.message;
    // Validation 2 - Check the user does not already have application granted
    // Note: this is done at request submission time as well, the following is an example of how to check user's accounts
    if (!failureReason) {
      try {
        var user ='managed/alpha_user/' +, null, [ 'effectiveApplications' ]);
        user.effectiveApplications.forEach(effectiveApp => {
          if (effectiveApp._id === applicationId) {
            failureReason = "Validation failed: User with id " + + " already has effective application " + applicationId;
      catch (e) {
        failureReason = "Validation failed: Unable to check effective applications of user with id " + + ". Error message: " + e.message;
    if (failureReason) {"Validation failed: " + failureReason);
    execution.setVariable("failureReason", failureReason);

    If any Approval node has the Reject outcome, a Script node denies the request.

    Click to display Reject Request script"Rejecting request");
    var content = execution.getVariables();
    var requestId = content.get('id');"Execution Content: " + content);
    var requestIndex = openidm.action('iga/governance/requests/' + requestId, 'GET', {}, {});
    var decision = {'outcome': 'denied', 'status': 'complete', 'decision': 'rejected'};
    var queryParams = { '_action': 'update'};
    openidm.action('iga/governance/requests/' + requestId, 'POST', decision, queryParams);
  • 5 If the If/Else node outcome is:

    • validationSuccess — A Script node provisions the application to the end user.

      Click to display Auto Provisioning script"Auto-Provisioning");
      var content = execution.getVariables();
      var requestId = content.get('id');
      var failureReason = null;
      try {
        var requestObj = openidm.action('iga/governance/requests/' + requestId, 'GET', {}, {});"requestObj: " + requestObj);
        catch (e) {
          failureReason = "Provisioning failed: Error reading request with id " + requestId;
        if(!failureReason) {
          try {
            var request = requestObj.request;
            var payload = {
              "applicationId": request.common.applicationId,
              "startDate": request.common.startDate,
              "endDate": request.common.endDate,
              "auditContext": {},
              "grantType": "request"
            var queryParams = {
              "_action": "add"
  "Creating account: " + payload);
            var result = openidm.action('iga/governance/user/' + request.common.userId + '/applications' , 'POST', payload,queryParams);
          catch (e) {
            failureReason = "Provisioning failed: Error provisioning account to user " + request.common.userId + " for application " + request.common.applicationId + ". Error message: " + e.message;
          var decision = {'status': 'complete', 'decision': 'approved'};
          if (failureReason) {
            decision.outcome = 'not provisioned';
            decision.comment = failureReason;
            decision.failure = true;
          else {
            decision.outcome = 'provisioned';
          var queryParams = { '_action': 'update'};
          openidm.action('iga/governance/requests/' + requestId, 'POST', decision, queryParams);
"Request " + requestId + " completed.");
    • validationFailure — A Script node doesn’t provision the application to the end user.

      Click to display Validation Failure script
      var content = execution.getVariables();
      var failureReason = content.get('failureReason');
      var decision = {'outcome': 'not provisioned', 'status': 'complete', 'comment': failureReason, 'failure': true, 'decision': 'approved'};
      var queryParams = { '_action': 'update'};
      openidm.action('iga/governance/requests/' + requestId, 'POST', decision, queryParams);

Download the JSON file for this workflow here.

For information on how to import or export workflows, refer to Workflow UI canvas.

Entitlement grant workflow

In this example, an administrator wants to create an entitlement grant workflow that:

  • Requires an entitlement owner to approve the request.

  • If approved, check if the entitlement is marked as privileged.

  • If the entitlement is privileged or null, the workflow requires an additional approver, the end user’s manager, to approve the request.


  • Each entitlement has an entitlement owner.

  • You create a boolean entitlement glossary attribute , isPrivileged. For each entitlement, this attribute is populated.

  • Your end users have a manager assigned to them. An administrator populates this property and isn’t modifiable by the end user.


An example of an entitlement grant workflow.
  • 1 An Approval node requires the entitlement owner to approve the request.

  • 2 A Script node checks the value of the entitlement glossary attribute isPrivileged and sets outcomes.

    Click to display the Entitlement Privileged script
    var content = execution.getVariables();
    var requestId = content.get('id');
    var requestObj = null;
    var entId = null;
    var entGlossary = null;
    var entPriv = null;
    //Check entitlement exists and grab entitlement info
    try {
      requestObj = openidm.action('iga/governance/requests/' + requestId, 'GET', {}, {});
      entId =;
    catch (e) {"Validation failed: Error reading entitlement grant request with id " + requestId);
    //Check glossary for entitlement exists and grab glossary info
    try {
      entGlossary = openidm.action('iga/governance/resource/' + entId + '/glossary', 'GET', {}, {});
      entPriv = entGlossary.isPrivileged;
      execution.setVariable("entPriv", entPriv);
    catch (e) {"Could not retrieve glossary with entId " + entId + " from entitltment grant request ID " + requestId);

    A switch node routes outcomes based off the script. If the outcome is:

    • privileged or null — An additional Approval node requires the end user’s manager to approve the request.

    • notPrivileged — An additional approval isn’t required.

  • 3 If the required approvals are met, a Script node runs a validation check.

    Click to display the Entitlement Grant Validation script"Running entitlement grant request validation");
    var content = execution.getVariables();
    var requestId = content.get('id');
    var failureReason = null;
    var applicationId = null;
    var assignmentId = null;
    var app = null;
    var assignment = null;
    var existingAccount = false;
    try {
      var requestObj = openidm.action('iga/governance/requests/' + requestId, 'GET', {}, {});
      applicationId =;
      assignmentId =;
    catch (e) {
      failureReason = "Validation failed: Error reading request with id " + requestId;
    // Validation 1 - Check application exists
    if (!failureReason) {
      try {
        app ='managed/alpha_application/' + applicationId);
        if (!app) {
          failureReason = "Validation failed: Cannot find application with id " + applicationId;
      catch (e) {
        failureReason = "Validation failed: Error reading application with id " + applicationId + ". Error message: " + e.message;
    // Validation 2 - Check entitlement exists
    if (!failureReason) {
      try {
        assignment ='managed/alpha_assignment/' + assignmentId);
        if (!assignment) {
          failureReason = "Validation failed: Cannot find assignment with id " + assignmentId;
      catch (e) {
        failureReason = "Validation failed: Error reading assignment with id " + assignmentId + ". Error message: " + e.message;
    // Validation 3 - Check the user has application granted
    if (!failureReason) {
      try {
        var user ='managed/alpha_user/' +, null, [ 'effectiveApplications' ]);
        user.effectiveApplications.forEach(effectiveApp => {
          if (effectiveApp._id === applicationId) {
            existingAccount = true;
      catch (e) {
        failureReason = "Validation failed: Unable to check existing applications of user with id " + + ". Error message: " + e.message;
    // Validation 4 - If account does not exist, provision it
    if (!failureReason) {
      if (!existingAccount) {
        try {
          var request = requestObj.request;
          var payload = {
            "applicationId": applicationId,
            "startDate": request.common.startDate,
            "endDate": request.common.endDate,
            "auditContext": {},
            "grantType": "request"
          var queryParams = {
            "_action": "add"
"Creating account: " + payload);
          var result = openidm.action('iga/governance/user/' + request.common.userId + '/applications' , 'POST', payload,queryParams);
        catch (e) {
          failureReason = "Validation failed: Error provisioning new account to user " + request.common.userId + " for application " + applicationId + ". Error message: " + e.message;
    if (failureReason) {"Validation failed: " + failureReason);
    execution.setVariable("failureReason", failureReason);

    If any Approval node has the Reject outcome, a Script node denies the request.

    Click to display Reject Request script"Rejecting request");
    var content = execution.getVariables();
    var requestId = content.get('id');"Execution Content: " + content);
    var requestIndex = openidm.action('iga/governance/requests/' + requestId, 'GET', {}, {});
    var decision = {'outcome': 'denied', 'status': 'complete', 'decision': 'rejected'};
    var queryParams = { '_action': 'update'};
    openidm.action('iga/governance/requests/' + requestId, 'POST', decision, queryParams);
  • 4 If the If/else node outcome is:

    • validationFlowSuccess — A Script node provisions the application to the end user.

      Click to display Auto Provisioning script"Auto-Provisioning");
      var content = execution.getVariables();
      var requestId = content.get('id');
      var failureReason = null;
      try {
        var requestObj = openidm.action('iga/governance/requests/' + requestId, 'GET', {}, {});"requestObj: " + requestObj);
      catch (e) {
        failureReason = "Provisioning failed: Error reading request with id " + requestId;
      if(!failureReason) {
        try {
          var request = requestObj.request;
          var payload = {
            "entitlementId": request.common.entitlementId,
            "startDate": request.common.startDate,
            "endDate": request.common.endDate,
            "auditContext": {},
            "grantType": "request"
          var queryParams = {
            "_action": "add"
          var result = openidm.action('iga/governance/user/' + request.common.userId + '/entitlements' , 'POST', payload,queryParams);
        catch (e) {
          failureReason = "Provisioning failed: Error provisioning entitlement to user " + request.common.userId + " for entitlement " + request.common.entitlementId + ". Error message: " + e.message;
        var decision = {'status': 'complete', 'decision': 'approved'};
        if (failureReason) {
          decision.outcome = 'not provisioned';
          decision.comment = failureReason;
          decision.failure = true;
        else {
          decision.outcome = 'provisioned';
        var queryParams = { '_action': 'update'};
        openidm.action('iga/governance/requests/' + requestId, 'POST', decision, queryParams);"Request " + requestId + " completed.");
    • validationFlowFailure — A Script node doesn’t provision the application to the end user.

      Click to display Validation Failure script
      var content = execution.getVariables();
      var failureReason = content.get('failureReason');
      var decision = {'outcome': 'not provisioned', 'status': 'complete', 'comment': failureReason, 'failure': true, 'decision': 'approved'};
      var queryParams = { '_action': 'update'};
      openidm.action('iga/governance/requests/' + requestId, 'POST', decision, queryParams);

Download the JSON file for this workflow here.

For information on how to import or export workflows, refer to Workflow UI canvas.

Role grant workflow

In this example, an administrator wants to create a role grant workflow that:

  • Checks the risk level of the role.

  • Based on the risk level, separate approvals are required. Specifically, if the risk level is high, send two approvals, in parallel, to the end user’s manager and the role owner.



An example of a role grant workflow.
  • 1 A Script node checks the value of the role glossary attribute riskLevel and sets outcomes.

    Click to display risk level script
    var content = execution.getVariables();
    var requestId = content.get('id');
    var requestObj = null;
    var roleId = null;
    var roleGlossary = null;
    var riskLevel = null;
    try {
      requestObj = openidm.action('iga/governance/requests/' + requestId, 'GET', {}, {});
      riskId =;
    catch (e) {"Validation failed: Error reading role grant request with id " + requestId);
    try {
      roleGlossary = openidm.action('iga/governance/role/' + roleId + '/glossary', 'GET', {}, {});
      riskLevel = roleGlossary.riskLevel;
      execution.setVariable("riskLevel", riskLevel);
    catch (e) {"Could not retrieve glossary with roleId " + roleId + " from role grant request ID " + requestId);
  • 2 A Switch node determines the path to take based off the Script node.

  • 3 If the risk level is:

    • low — An Approval node requires either the role owner or the end user’s manager to approve the request.

    • medium — An Approval node requires the role owner to approve the request.

  • 4 If the risk level is high or null then:

    • A Switch node sends two approval tasks in parallel.

    • An Approval node requires the role owner to approve the request.

    • An Approval node requires the end user’s manager to approve the request.

    • A closing Switch node waits for both approvals before proceeding to provision the role.

  • 5 If the required approvals are met, a Script node runs a validation check.

    Click to display the Role Grant Validation script"Running role grant request validation");
    var content = execution.getVariables();
    var requestId = content.get('id');
    var failureReason = null;
    var roleId = null;
    var role = null;
    try {
      var requestObj = openidm.action('iga/governance/requests/' + requestId, 'GET', {}, {});
      roleId =;
    catch (e) {
      failureReason = "Validation failed: Error reading request with id " + requestId;
    // Validation 1 - Check role exists
    if (!failureReason) {
      try {
        role ='managed/alpha_role/' + roleId);
        if (!role) {
          failureReason = "Validation failed: Cannot find role with id " + roleId;
      catch (e) {
        failureReason = "Validation failed: Error reading role with id " + roleId + ". Error message: " + e.message;
    if (failureReason) {"Validation failed: " + failureReason);
    execution.setVariable("failureReason", failureReason);

    If any Approval node has the Reject outcome, a Script node denies the request.

    Click to display Reject Request script"Rejecting request");
    var content = execution.getVariables();
    var requestId = content.get('id');"Execution Content: " + content);
    var requestIndex = openidm.action('iga/governance/requests/' + requestId, 'GET', {}, {});
    var decision = {'outcome': 'denied', 'status': 'complete', 'decision': 'rejected'};
    var queryParams = { '_action': 'update'};
    openidm.action('iga/governance/requests/' + requestId, 'POST', decision, queryParams);
  • 6 If the If/else node outcome is:

    • validationFlowSuccess — A Script node provisions the application to the end user.

      Click to display Auto Provisioning script"Auto-Provisioning");
      var content = execution.getVariables();
      var requestId = content.get('id');
      var failureReason = null;
      try {
        var requestObj = openidm.action('iga/governance/requests/' + requestId, 'GET', {}, {});"requestObj: " + requestObj);
      catch (e) {
        failureReason = "Provisioning failed: Error reading request with id " + requestId;
      if(!failureReason) {
        try {
          var request = requestObj.request;
          var payload = {
            "roleId": request.common.roleId,
            "startDate": request.common.startDate,
            "endDate": request.common.endDate,
            "auditContext": {},
            "grantType": "request"
          var queryParams = {
            "_action": "add"
          var result = openidm.action('iga/governance/user/' + request.common.userId + '/roles' , 'POST', payload,queryParams);
        catch (e) {
          failureReason = "Provisioning failed: Error provisioning role to user " + request.common.userId + " for role " + request.common.roleId + ". Error message: " + e.message;
        var decision = {'status': 'complete', 'decision': 'approved'};
        if (failureReason) {
          decision.outcome = 'not provisioned';
          decision.comment = failureReason;
          decision.failure = true;
        else {
          decision.outcome = 'provisioned';
        var queryParams = { '_action': 'update'};
        openidm.action('iga/governance/requests/' + requestId, 'POST', decision, queryParams);"Request " + requestId + " completed.");
    • validationFlowFailure — A Script node doesn’t provision the application to the end user.

      Click to display Validation Failure script
      var content = execution.getVariables();
      var failureReason = content.get('failureReason');
      var decision = {'outcome': 'not provisioned', 'status': 'complete', 'comment': failureReason, 'failure': true, 'decision': 'approved'};
      var queryParams = { '_action': 'update'};
      openidm.action('iga/governance/requests/' + requestId, 'POST', decision, queryParams);

Download the JSON file for this workflow here.

For information on how to import or export workflows, refer to Workflow UI canvas.

Role remove workflow

In this example, an administrator wants to create a workflow that:

  • Handles a normal role removal access request.

  • Includes a context check for administrator-submitted requests.

  • If the context check passes, the workflow skips the approval task process and runs auto-approval and auto-deprovisioning scripts.


  • Each role has a role owner.

  • Notification settings and email templates exist.

  • Make sure to catch any error/failure conditions.


An example of a role removal workflow.
  • 1 The Script node invokes the APIs and checks the context. If the context is admin or certification, it skips the manual approval process.

    Click to display request context check script
    var content = execution.getVariables();
    var requestId = content.get('id');
    var context = null;
    var skipApproval = false;
    try {
      var requestObj = openidm.action('iga/governance/requests/' + requestId, 'GET', {}, {});
      if (requestObj.request.common.context) {
        context = requestObj.request.common.context.type;
        if (context === 'admin' || context === 'certification') {
          skipApproval = true;
    catch (e) {}"Context: " + context);
    execution.setVariable("context", context);
    execution.setVariable("skipApproval", skipApproval);
  • 2 The Approval node assigns an approval task to users and roles. The node chains tasks in conjunction with a Switch node to implement serial or parallel flows.

    Click to display the approval task properties
    Item Description


    Approval Task


    Two options are available:

    • Add users and roles manually, such as Role Owner and define Approver type

      • Approve

      • Reject

      • Reassign

      • Modify

      • Comment

    • Define users using a script:

    Expiration Settings

    Options are:

    • Reject request

    • Reassign request

    • Do nothing

    Notification Settings

    Options are:

    • Assignment notification and email template, such as requestAssigned.

    • Reassignment notification and email template, such as requestReassigned.

    • Assignee reminders and email template, such as requestReminder.

      • Sends every number of time period, such as 3 day(s).

    • Escalation notifications and email template, such as requestEscalated.

      • Send everny number of day(s), such as 5 day(s).

      • Send to Send escalation to to User, and select User.

    • Expiration notification and email template, such as requestExpired.

      • Send: number of days before expiration.

  • 3 Invokes the auto-approval script if scriptApproval is true.

    Click to display auto-approval script
    var content = execution.getVariables();
    var requestId = content.get('id');
    var context = content.get('context');
    var queryParams = {
      "_action": "update"
    try {
      var decision = {
          "decision": "approved",
          "comment": "Request auto-approved due to request context: " + context
      openidm.action('iga/governance/requests/' + requestId, 'POST', decision, queryParams);
    catch (e) {
      var failureReason = "Failure updating decision on request. Error message: " + e.message;
      var update = {'comment': failureReason, 'failure': true};
      openidm.action('iga/governance/requests/' + requestId, 'POST', update, queryParams);
  • 4 Runs a RejectRequest script when Approval task node returns a reject.

    Click to display RejectRequest script"Rejecting request");
    var content = execution.getVariables();
    var requestId = content.get('id');"Execution Content: " + content);
    var requestIndex = openidm.action('iga/governance/requests/' + requestId, 'GET', {}, {});
    var decision = {'outcome': 'denied', 'status': 'complete', 'decision': 'rejected'};
    var queryParams = { '_action': 'update'};
    openidm.action('iga/governance/requests/' + requestId, 'POST', decision, queryParams);
  • 5 Run Auto Deprovisioning script.

    Click to display the auto deprovisioning script"Auto-Deprovisioning");
    var content = execution.getVariables();
    var requestId = content.get('id');
    var failureReason = null;
    try {
      var requestObj = openidm.action('iga/governance/requests/' + requestId, 'GET', {}, {});"requestObj: " + requestObj);
    catch (e) {
      failureReason = "Deprovisioning failed: Error reading request with id " + requestId;
    if(!failureReason) {
      try {
        var request = requestObj.request;
        var payload = {
          "roleId": request.common.roleId,
          "startDate": request.common.startDate,
          "endDate": request.common.endDate,
          "auditContext": {},
          "grantType": "request"
        var queryParams = {
          "_action": "remove"
        var result = openidm.action('iga/governance/user/' + request.common.userId + '/roles' , 'POST', payload,queryParams);
      catch (e) {
        failureReason = "Deprovisioning failed: Error deprovisioning role to user " + request.common.userId + " for role " + request.common.roleId + ". Error message: " + e.message;
      var decision = {'status': 'complete', 'decision': 'approved'};
      if (failureReason) {
        decision.outcome = 'not provisioned';
        decision.comment = failureReason;
        decision.failure = true;
      else {
        decision.outcome = 'provisioned';
      var queryParams = { '_action': 'update'};
      openidm.action('iga/governance/requests/' + requestId, 'POST', decision, queryParams);"Request " + requestId + " completed.");

Download the JSON file for this workflow here.

For information on how to import or export workflows, refer to Workflow UI canvas.

Violation workflow

In this example, an administrator creates a workflow that:

  • Processes a single violation task.

  • If the violation outcome is Remediate, it remediates the violation, validates the result, and removes the entitlements.

  • If the violation outcome is Allow, it creates an exception.

  • If the violation outcome is expiration, it goes to a manual decision via the Fulfillment node.

  • If the end user tasked with the manual fulfillment approves of the various outcomes, the workflow is complete.

  • If the end user tasked with the manual fulfillment denies the resulting outcomes, the workflows calls a reject requests script, and loops back for another manual confirmation.


  • Each violation has a owner

  • Make sure to catch any error/failure conditions.


An example of a violation handling workflow.
  • 1 The Violation node routes the violation to the appropriate outcome. Options are: Remediate, Allow, and Expiration.

  • 2 The Remediate Violation Script node gets the context information for the violation and sets the remediationResponse.

    Click to display Remediate Violation script"Remediating violation");
    var content = execution.getVariables();
    var violationId = content.get('id');
    var remediation = content.get('remediation');"Remediating violation - violationId: " + violationId + ', remediation payload: ' + remediation);
    var remediationContent = null;
    var remediationResponse = openidm.action('iga/governance/violation/' + violationId + '/remediate', 'POST', remediation);"Remediating response: " + remediationResponse);
    remediationContent = remediationResponse.decision.remediation;
    execution.setVariable("remediation", remediationContent);
  • 3 The Remediate Violation IF/ELSE node routes successful validations to an auto remove script node and validation failures to a failure handling node.

  • 4 The Remove Grants Auto script node removes the entitlement grants that caused the violation.

    Click to display Auto Remove Entitlement Grants script"Removing grants automatically");
    var content = execution.getVariables();
    var violationId = content.get('id');
    var failureReason = null;
    var phaseName = content.get('phaseName');
    var violationObj;"Removing entitlement grants for violation " + violationId + " with phase name " + phaseName);
    try {
      violationObj = openidm.action('iga/governance/violation/lookup/' + violationId, 'GET', {}, {});
    catch (e) {
      failureReason = "Removing entitlement grants failed: Error reading violation with id " + violationId + ". Error message: " + e.message;
    if (!failureReason) {
      var remediation = violationObj.decision.remediation;
      var failedDeprovisioning = false;
      var deprovisionedIds = [];
      for(var grant of violationObj.violatingAccess) {
        if (!remediation.grantIds.includes(grant.compositeId)) {
        var userId =;"Removing entitlement grant: " + grant.compositeId + ", user: " + userId + ", violation: " + violationId);
        try {
          var payload = {
'Payload to remove grant: ' + JSON.stringify(payload));
          var queryParams = {
            "_action": "remove"
          var result = openidm.action('iga/governance/user/' + userId + '/entitlements', 'POST', payload,queryParams);
"Deprovisioned " + + " successfully, user " + userId + + ", violation: " + violationId);
        catch (e) {
          failureReason = failureReason + ". Removing grants failed: Error deprovisioning entitlement" + + " from user. Error message: " + e.message + ".";
          failedDeprovisioning = true;
      if (!failedDeprovisioning) {
        openidm.action('iga/governance/violation/' + violationId + '/remediation/status/complete', 'POST', {});
      } else {
        failureReason = failureReason + ". Grants removed: " + deprovisionedIds;
    if (failureReason) {
      var update = { 'comment': failureReason };
      openidm.action('iga/governance/violation/' + violationId + '/comment', 'POST', update, {});
  • 5 The Allow Violation script node logs the information. If a failure arises, Identity Governance posts the failure with the reason.

    Click to display Allow Violation script node"Allowing violation");
    var content = execution.getVariables();
    var violationId = content.get('id');
    var phaseName = content.get('phaseName');"Violation to be allowed: " + violationId + " with phase name " + phaseName);
    var failureReason = null;
    try {
        var allowResponse = openidm.action('iga/governance/violation/' + violationId + '/allow', 'POST', {});"Violation " + violationId + " was allowed successfully.");} catch (e) {
        failureReason = "Failed allowing violation with id " + violationId + ". Error message: " + e.message;
    if (failureReason) {
        var update = { "comment": failureReason };
        try {
            openidm.action('iga/governance/violation/' + violationId + '/phases/' + phaseName + '/comment', 'POST', update, {});
        } catch (e) {
            openidm.action('iga/governance/violation/' + violationId + '/comment', 'POST', update, {});
  • 6 The Fulfillment node requests a manual completion of the task by an authorized end user, typically during review time. If successful, the task is fulfilled and the workflow is complete.

  • 7 The Reject Request script node retrieves the requestID, logs the rejection, and sends a reject request.

    Click to display Reject Request script"Rejecting request");
    var content = execution.getVariables();
    var requestId = content.get('id');"Execution Content: " + content);
    var requestIndex = openidm.action('iga/governance/requests/' + requestId, 'GET', {}, {});
    var decision = {'outcome': 'denied', 'status': 'complete', 'decision': 'rejected'};
    var queryParams = { '_action': 'update'};
    openidm.action('iga/governance/requests/' + requestId, 'POST', decision, queryParams);

Download the JSON file for this workflow here.

For information on how to import or export workflows, refer to Workflow UI canvas.

User create event workflow - send email

In this example, an administrator creates a workflow that:

  • Sends an email notification to the new user when a user create event occurs.

  • Also, copies their manager if present.


  • Each user has a manager.

  • Make sure to catch any error/failure conditions.


An example of user create event send email workflow.
  • 1 The Script node sends email to the new user and cc’s to the user’s manager.

    Click to display send email script"Running user create event role workflow - send email");
    var content = execution.getVariables();
    var requestId = content.get('id');
    // Read event user information from request object
    try {
      var requestObj = openidm.action('iga/governance/requests/' + requestId, 'GET', {}, {});
      var userObj = requestObj.request.common.blob.after;
      var userDisplayName = userObj.givenName + " " + + " (" + userObj.userName + ")";
      var body = {
        subject: "New user created: " + userDisplayName,
        to: userObj.mail,
        body: "New user created: " + userDisplayName + ".",
        object: {}
      if (userObj && userObj.manager && userObj.manager.mail) { = userObj.manager.mail
      openidm.action("external/email", "send", body);
    catch (e) {"Unable to send new user creation email");
    // Update event request as final
    var decision = {'status': 'complete', 'outcome': 'fulfilled', 'decision': 'approved'};
    var queryParams = { '_action': 'update'};
    openidm.action('iga/governance/requests/' + requestId, 'POST', decision, queryParams);"Request " + requestId + " completed.");

Download the JSON file for this workflow here.

For information on how to import or export workflows, refer to Workflow UI canvas.

User create event workflow - catalog lookup

In this example, an administrator creates a workflow that:

  • Submits a request to add the Data Analyst and Security roles to a newly created user when a user create event occurs.

  • Looks up the two roles in the catalog.


  • Roles exist in the catalog.

  • Make sure to catch any error/failure conditions.


An example of user create event workflow to request two roles when a user is created.
  • 1 The Script node looks up two roles in the catalog. If the roles are present in the catalog, the script generates a request for roles.

    Click to display Submit Request for Roles script"Running user create event role workflow");
    var content = execution.getVariables();
    var requestId = content.get('id');
    var failureReason = null;
    var userObj = null;
    var userId = null;
    // Read event user information from request object
    try {
      var requestObj = openidm.action('iga/governance/requests/' + requestId, 'GET', {}, {});
      userObj = requestObj.request.common.blob.after;
      userId = userObj.userId;
    catch (e) {
      failureReason = "Validation failed: Error reading request with id " + requestId;
    // Define roles to request
    var roleNames = [ "Data Analyst", "Security" ];
    // Look up roles in catalog
    var operand = [];
    for (var index in roleNames) {
      operand.push({operator: "EQUALS", operand: { targetName: "", targetValue: roleNames[index] }})
    var body = { targetFilter: {operator: "OR", operand: operand}};
    var catalog = openidm.action("iga/governance/catalog/search", "POST", body);
    var catalogResults = catalog.result;
    // Define request catalogs key
    var catalogBody = [];
    for (var idx in catalogResults) {
      var catalog = catalogResults[idx];
      catalogBody.push({type: "role", id:})
    // Define request payload
    var requestBody = {
      priority: "low",
      accessModifier: "add",
      justification: "Request submitted on user creation.",
      users: [ userId ],
      catalogs: catalogBody
    // Create requests
    try {
      openidm.action("iga/governance/requests", "POST", requestBody, {_action: "create"})
    catch (e) {
      failureReason = "Unable to generate requests for roles";
    // Update event request as final
    var decision = failureReason ?
      {'status': 'complete', 'outcome': 'cancelled', 'decision': 'rejected', 'comment': failureReason, 'failure': true} :
      {'status': 'complete', 'outcome': 'fulfilled', 'decision': 'approved'};
    var queryParams = { '_action': 'update'};
    openidm.action('iga/governance/requests/' + requestId, 'POST', decision, queryParams);"Request " + requestId + " completed.");

Download the JSON file for this workflow here.

For information on how to import or export workflows, refer to Workflow UI canvas.

User create event workflow - request two roles

In this example, In this example, an administrator creates a workflow that:

  • Submits a separate request to add two roles to the newly created user. The script is triggered when a user create event occurs.


  • Roles exist in the catalog.

  • Make sure to catch any error/failure conditions.


An example of user create event workflow to request two roles when a user is created.
  • 1 The Script node gets a user ID from the event request and returns the user object.

    Click to display Get User ID from event request script"Get User Id From Event Request: UserCreateEventWithSteps");
    var content = execution.getVariables();
    var requestId = content.get('id');
    // Read event user information from request object
    try {
      var requestObj = openidm.action('iga/governance/requests/' + requestId, 'GET', {}, {});
      var userObj = requestObj.request.common.blob.after;
      execution.setVariable("userId", userObj.userId);
    catch (e) {
      execution.setVariable("failureState", "Validation failed: Error reading request with id " + requestId);
  • 2 The Script node makes a call to create the request. The payload contains two catalog IDs for the Data Analyst and Security roles.

    Click to display Submit request for roles script"Submit Role Requests: UserCreateEventWithSteps");
    var content = execution.getVariables();
    var userId = content.get('userId');
    var failureState = content.get('failureState');
    // Define request payload
    if (!failureState) {
      var requestBody = {
        priority: "low",
        accessModifier: "add",
        justification: "Request submitted on user creation: UserCreateEventWithSteps.",
        users: [ userId ],
        catalogs: [
          { type: "role", id: "b9224b9ae535c9eab3f493dc206ac689dc9f6733b417d0def37f8969bef3e95dad7c812e4585056f698c7b3eb15c970dfa939eca8217741af187978359af13df"},
          { type: "role", id: "e7ec51656c6f5ca297d82772a681e3069d8a7c24c04f15afaa8060856e17ad6e76f88bdeb635d4dc8c3d8faa462f376189322e85df379ae0721fcb2d28d1a222"}
      // Create requests
      try {
        openidm.action("iga/governance/requests", "POST", requestBody, {_action: "create"})
      catch (e) {
        execution.setVariable("failureState", "Unable to generate requests for roles");
  • 3 The Script node completes the request.

    Click to display Finalize request script"Finalize Request: UserCreateEventWithSteps");
    var content = execution.getVariables();
    var requestId  = content.get('requestId');
    var failureState = content.get('failureState');
    if (!failureState) {
      try {
        // Update event request as final
        var decision = {'status': 'complete', 'outcome': 'fulfilled', 'decision': 'approved'}
        var queryParams = { '_action': 'update'};
        openidm.action('iga/governance/requests/' + requestId, 'POST', decision, queryParams);"Request " + requestId + " completed.");
      catch (e) {
        execution.setVariable("failureState", "Unable to finalize request.");
  • 4 The Script node handles any failures.

    Click to display Failure handler script"Failure Handler: UserCreateEventWithSteps");
    var content = execution.getVariables();
    var requestId  = content.get('requestId');
    var failureReason  = content.get('failureReason');
    // Update event request as final
    if (failureReason) {
      var decision = {'status': 'complete', 'outcome': 'cancelled', 'decision': 'rejected', 'comment': failureReason, 'failure': true}
      var queryParams = { '_action': 'update'};
      openidm.action('iga/governance/requests/' + requestId, 'POST', decision, queryParams);"Request " + requestId + " completed.");

    The User create event workflow - send email, User create event workflow - catalog lookup, and User create event workflow - request two roles examples present User create event workflows. However, you can also adjust the workflows for User update events. For example, in the User create examples, the user object returns the current or after state of the user:

    var userObj = requestObj.request.common.blob.after

    Update events also have access to the before (or pre-update) state by referencing the object, which you can also use in your scripts.

    var userObj = requestObj.request.common.blob.before

Download the JSON file for this workflow here.

For information on how to import or export workflows, refer to Workflow UI canvas.

User offboarding workflow

In this example, an administrator creates a workflow that triggers a series of offboarding tasks when a user update occurs, such as a status, manager, or department change.

The offboarding tasks include:

  • Setting up a replacement user ID for the inactive user. Depending on the case, the replacement user is the manager or former manager.

  • Setting up a replacement user ID as a delegate for the inactive user.

  • Replacing all instances of other users delegating to the inactive user with replacement user ID.

  • Replacing the inactive user with the replacement user ID as an app owner.

  • Replacing the inactive user with the replacement user ID as an entitlements owner.

  • Replacing the inactive user with the replacement user ID as a role owner.

  • Replacing the inactive user with the replacement user ID as an access request approver.

  • Replacing the inactive user with the replacement user ID as a violations approver.


  • Human Resources confirms the user’s change in status, manager, or department and has activated offboarding tasks to stakeholders.


An example of an inactivated user workflow.
  • 1 The Script node reads the event user information, including manager data from the request object.

    Click to display the Get Replacement User ID script
    // Insert logic to set ID of user who will be replacing inactive user"Getting ID of user who will be replacing inactive user.");
    var content = execution.getVariables();
    var requestId = content.get('id');
    // Read event user information from request object
    try {
      var requestObj = openidm.action('iga/governance/requests/' + requestId, 'GET', {}, {});
      var previousUserObj = requestObj.request.common.blob.before;
      var currentUserObj = requestObj.request.common.blob.after;
      var userId =;
      var replacementId = null;
      // Check current value of manager, or previous manager if not present, to find a replacement user ID
      if (currentUserObj && currentUserObj.manager) {
        replacementId =;
      else if (previousUserObj && previousUserObj.manager) {
        replacementId =;
      execution.setVariable('userId', userId);
      execution.setVariable('replacementId', replacementId);
    catch(e) {"Unable to get replacement user ID for inactive user " + userId);
  • 2 The Script node adds the replacement user as a delegate for the inactive user so that they can act on their tasks.

    Click to display Set Replacement User as Inactive User script
    // Adding the Replacement User as a delegate for the Inactive User so that they will be able to act on their tasks
    var content = execution.getVariables();
    var userId = content.get('userId');
    var replacementId = content.get('replacementId');
    // Read event user information from request object
    try {
      if (replacementId) {"Adding " + replacementId + " as inactive user " + userId + "'s delegate");
        var payload = { proxyIds: [ "managed/user/" + replacementId ]};
        var proxyUpdate = openidm.action('iga/governance/user/' + userId + '/set-proxy', 'POST', payload, {});"Added " + replacementId + " as a delegate for inactive user " + userId);
    catch(e) {"Unable to add delegate for inactive user " + userId);
  • 3 The Script node replaces all instances of other users delegating to the inactive user with the replacement user.

    Click to display the Replace Inactive User as delegate script
    // Replacing all instances of others delegating to the inactive user with replacement user
    // Before script: User A and User B both delegate to inactive User
    // After script: User A and User B both delegate to replacement User
    var content = execution.getVariables();
    var userId = content.get('userId');
    var replacementId = content.get('replacementId');
    try {
      if (replacementId) {"Replacing instances of users delegating to inactive user " + userId + " with " + replacementId);
        // Get the list of users delegating to inactive user
        var inactiveUser = openidm.query("managed/alpha_user/" + userId + '/taskPrincipals', { _queryFilter: 'true' }, [ '_refResourceId' ]);
        var usersDelegatingToInactiveUser = inactiveUser.result;
        // Set the payloads
        var removePayload = { proxyIds: [ "managed/user/" + userId ]};
        var addPayload = { proxyIds: [ "managed/user/" + replacementId ]};
        // For each delegate, remove the inactive user and add the replacement user
        for (var i = 0; i < usersDelegatingToInactiveUser.length; i++) {
          var delegatingUserId = usersDelegatingToInactiveUser[i]._refResourceId;
          openidm.action("iga/governance/user/" + delegatingUserId + "/remove-proxy", "POST", removePayload, {});
          openidm.action("iga/governance/user/" + delegatingUserId + "/set-proxy", "POST", addPayload, {});
        }"Replaced instances of users delegating to inactive user " + userId + " with " + replacementId);
    catch(e) {"Unable to replace instances of users delegating to inactive user " + userId + " with " + replacementId);
  • 4 The Script node invokes the APIs and executes business logic.

    Click to display the App Owner Replacement script
    Script nodes are used to invoke APIs or execute business logic.
    You can invoke governance APIs or IDM APIs.
    Refer to for more details.
    Script nodes should return a single value and should have the
    logic enclosed in a try-catch block.
    try {
      var requestObj = openidm.action('iga/governance/requests/' + requestId, 'GET', {}, {});
      applicationId =;
    catch (e) {
      failureReason = 'Validation failed: Error reading request with id ' + requestId;
    var content = execution.getVariables();
      var userId = content.get('userId');
      var replacementId = content.get('replacementId');
      var queryFilter =  {"_queryFilter": "true"}
      var removeBody = [];
      var addBody = [];
      var applications = openidm.query('managed/alpha_user/' + userId + '/ownerOfApp', queryFilter, []);
      for(var app of applications['result']){
          "operation": "remove",
          "field": "/ownerOfApp",
          "value": {
              "_ref": app._ref,
              "_refProperties": {
                  "_id": app._id,
                  "_rev": app._rev
              "_refResourceCollection": "managed/alpha_application",
              "_refResourceId": app._refResourceId
          "operation": "add",
          "field": "ownerOfApp/-",
          "value": {
              "_ref": app._ref,
              "_refProperties": {}
      openidm.patch('managed/alpha_user/'+ userId, null, removeBody)
      openidm.patch('managed/alpha_user/'+ replacementId, null, addBody)
  • 5 The Script node replaces the entitlement owner.

    Click to display the Entitlement Owner Replacement script
    Script nodes are used to invoke APIs or execute business logic.
    You can invoke governance APIs or IDM APIs.
    Refer to for more details.
    Script nodes should return a single value and should have the
    logic enclosed in a try-catch block.
    try {
      var requestObj = openidm.action('iga/governance/requests/' + requestId, 'GET', {}, {});
      applicationId =;
    catch (e) {
      failureReason = 'Validation failed: Error reading request with id ' + requestId;
    var content = execution.getVariables();
      var userId = content.get('userId');
      var replacementId = content.get('replacementId');
      var targetFilter =  {"targetFilter": {
          "operator": "EQUALS",
          "operand": {
              "targetName": "",
              "targetValue": userId
      var entitlements = openidm.action('iga/governance/resource/search', 'POST', targetFilter, {});
      for(var entitlement of entitlements['result']){
        var body = openidm.action('iga/governance/resource/' + + '/glossary', 'GET', {}, {})
        body.entitlementOwner = "managed/user/" + replacementId;
        openidm.action('iga/governance/resource/' + + '/glossary', 'PUT', body, {})
  • 6 The Script node replaces the role owner.

    Click to display the Role Owner Replacement script
    Script nodes are used to invoke APIs or execute business logic.
    You can invoke governance APIs or IDM APIs.
    Refer to for more details.
    Script nodes should return a single value and should have the
    logic enclosed in a try-catch block.
    try {
      var requestObj = openidm.action('iga/governance/requests/' + requestId, 'GET', {}, {});
      applicationId =;
    catch (e) {
      failureReason = 'Validation failed: Error reading request with id ' + requestId;
    var content = execution.getVariables();
      var userId = content.get('userId');
      var replacementId = content.get('replacementId');
      var targetFilter =  {"targetFilter": {
          "operator": "EQUALS",
            "operand": {
                "targetName": "glossary.idx./role.roleOwner",
                "targetValue": "managed/user/"+ userId
      var results = openidm.action('iga/governance/catalog/search', 'POST', targetFilter, {});
      for(var result of results['result']){
        var body = openidm.action('iga/governance/role/' + + '/glossary', 'GET', {}, {})
        body.roleOwner = "managed/user/" + replacementId;
        openidm.action('iga/governance/role/' + + '/glossary', 'PUT', body, {})
  • 7 The Script node reassigns approvals.

    Click to display the Reassign Approvals script
    Script nodes are used to invoke APIs or execute business logic.
    You can invoke governance APIs or IDM APIs.
    Refer to for more details.
    Script nodes should return a single value and should have the
    logic enclosed in a try-catch block.
    try {
      var requestObj = openidm.action('iga/governance/requests/' + requestId, 'GET', {}, {});
      applicationId =;
    catch (e) {
      failureReason = 'Validation failed: Error reading request with id ' + requestId;
    var content = execution.getVariables();
    var userId = content.get('userId');
    var replacementId = content.get('replacementId');
    var targetFilter =  {
      "targetFilter": {
            "operator": "AND",
            "operand": [
                    "operator": "EQUALS",
                    "operand": {
                        "targetName": "",
                        "targetValue": "managed/user/" + userId
                    "operator": "EQUALS",
                    "operand": {
                        "targetName": "decision.status",
                        "targetValue": "in-progress"
    var results = null
    var params = {
      "_pageSize": 100,
      "_pageNumber": 0
      results= openidm.action('iga/governance/requests/search', 'POST', targetFilter, params);
      for(var result of results['result']){
        var phaseName = null;
        var actors = [];
        for(var user of{
          if( === "managed/user/"+ userId){
            phaseName = user.phase;
            actors.push({"id": "managed/user/" + replacementId, "permissions": user.permissions})
        for(var user of{
          if(user.phase === phaseName && !== "managed/user/"+ userId){
            actors.push({"id":, "permissions": user.permissions})
        var body = { "updatedActors": actors  };
          openidm.action('/iga/governance/requests/' + + '/phases/' + phaseName + '/reassign', 'POST', body, {})
    while (results.result.length > 0)
  • 8 The Script node reassigns violations.

    Click to display the Reassign Violations script
    Script nodes are used to invoke APIs or execute business logic.
    You can invoke governance APIs or IDM APIs.
    Refer to for more details.
    Script nodes should return a single value and should have the
    logic enclosed in a try-catch block.
    try {
      var requestObj = openidm.action('iga/governance/requests/' + requestId, 'GET', {}, {});
      applicationId =;
    catch (e) {
      failureReason = 'Validation failed: Error reading request with id ' + requestId;
    */'Script Task 3');'User Task');
    var content = execution.getVariables();
    var userId = content.get('userId');
    var replacementId = content.get('replacementId');
    var targetFilter =  {
      "targetFilter": {
            "operator": "AND",
            "operand": [
                    "operator": "EQUALS",
                    "operand": {
                        "targetName": "",
                        "targetValue": "managed/user/" + userId
                    "operator": "EQUALS",
                    "operand": {
                        "targetName": "decision.status",
                        "targetValue": "in-progress"
    var results = null
    var params = {
      "_pageSize": 10,
      "_pageNumber": 0
    results = openidm.action('iga/governance/violation/search', 'POST', targetFilter, params);
    if(results['result'].length > 0){
        for(var result of results['result']){
          var phaseName = null;
          var actors = [];
          for(var user of{
            if( === "managed/user/"+ userId){
              phaseName = user.phase;
              actors.push({"id": "managed/user/" + replacementId, "permissions": user.permissions})
          for(var user of{
            if(user.phase === phaseName && !== "managed/user/"+ userId){
              actors.push({"id":, "permissions": user.permissions})
          var body = { "updatedActors": actors  };
            openidm.action('/iga/governance/violation/' + + '/phases/' + phaseName + '/reassign', 'POST', body, {})
    while(results.result.length > 0)
  • 9 The Script node completes the process and sets the ID of the user replacing the inactive user.

    Click to display the Complete Process script
    // Insert logic to set ID of user who will be replacing inactive user"Completing request workflow.");
    var content = execution.getVariables();
    var requestId = content.get('id');
    // Read event user information from request object
    try {
      var requestObj = openidm.action('iga/governance/requests/' + requestId, 'GET', {}, {});
      var decision = {'status': 'complete', 'decision': 'approved', 'outcome': 'fulfilled'};
      var queryParams = { '_action': 'update'};
      openidm.action('iga/governance/requests/' + requestId, 'POST', decision, queryParams);"Request " + requestId + " completed.");
    catch(e) {"Error finalizing user inactive workflow")

Download the JSON file for this workflow here.

For information on how to import or export workflows, refer to Workflow UI canvas.

Copyright © 2010-2024 ForgeRock, all rights reserved.