PingOne Advanced Identity Cloud

Create an application request form

The Identity Governance Forms provides an easy-to-use interface to create an application request form.

Key points

The Form creator must consider the following key points:

  • You can only link an application to a single form. While a form can be used with multiple applications, each application can only be associated with one form at a time.

  • The typical use case is to create a form that aligns with the application’s account object type schema.

  • In a workflow, you can assign a form in the Approval node. For typical cases, you can select Dynamic form selection, which uses the form associated with the application.

    Approval node with dynamic form selection
  • For more customization, you can define the keys exactly as you want. Once a request is generated, the form’s contents are copied into the request, making those properties available for use within the workflow to provision access as needed. For example, you can define a key with a value of NAME. When a user submits a request, the key appears in request.common.object.blob.NAME with the value, "Testing"``:

      "id": "409f28fc-65f6-41b8-a9f5-bb3a64f55925",
      "requester": {
        "givenName": "Frank",
        "id": "managed/user/c51d9ee1-43b3-49d1-8742-cbb33842a5cc",
        "mail": "",
        "sn": "York",
        "userName": "fyork",
        "isAdmin": false
      "requestType": "applicationGrant",
      "request": {
        "common": {
          "priority": "low",
          "justification": "Testing",
          "applicationId": "d248cc89-79b2-4f6a-98bc-46d0a938318f",
          "userId": "f3617664-4dd2-48eb-bdae-512f45b157df",
          "blob": {
            "form": {
              "NAME": "Testing"
          "isDraft": false,
          "context": {
            "type": "request"
        "_rev": 1


  1. In the Advanced Identity Cloud end-user UI, click Forms > New Form.

  2. On the New Form modal, click Application request form, and then click Next.

  3. On the modal, enter the following and click Save when completed:

    Field Description

    Form Name

    Enter a descriptive name for your form. Follow any convention established by your company.

    Description (optional)

    Enter a general description for the form.


    Select application to associate the form to.

    You can only link one form to an application or object type.

    Object type

    Select an option:

    • User

    • Group

    • Directory Role

    • Service Plan

  4. On the Forms editor, drag-and-drop the forms node onto the canvas and fill in the fields in the right pane.

  5. In a workflow, you can assign a form in the Approval node properties pane. For typical cases, you can select Dynamic form selection, which uses the form you associated with the application.

  6. Click Preview to see the form you created.

  7. Click Save when complete. Your form appears on the Forms page.

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