PingOne Advanced Identity Cloud

Configure a proxy service with Proxy Connect

Advanced Identity Cloud add-on capability

Contact your Ping Identity representative if you want to add Proxy Connect to your PingOne Advanced Identity Cloud subscription. Learn more in Add-on capabilities.

You can use Proxy Connect to configure a proxy service, such as a web application firewall (WAF) or a content delivery network (CDN), in front of your Advanced Identity Cloud tenant environments. This lets you secure traffic to your tenant environments in seamless compliance with the security controls you apply to your company’s other network resources.

Proxy Connect lets you restrict access to your tenant environments in two ways:

  • Use IP address rules to restrict client IP addresses to specified ranges.

  • Use HTTP header rules to define one or more security headers that client applications must add to each request.

When a client request fails to meet the rules you defined, Advanced Identity Cloud returns HTTP 404 Not Found.

proxy connect network

You can set the HTTP header and IP rules independently of each other, so you can set one or both to suit the requirements of the proxy service. Additionally, each tenant environment can be configured separately, meaning that you can set different rulesets and combinations of rulesets per environment. Up to five security header rules and ten IP rules can be set per environment.

If you use Secure Connect to access your tenant environments from a private network, Proxy Connect can also provide an additional layer of security by letting you block network access from the public internet.

Allow network access only through a proxy service

If you use a proxy service to control access to your company’s network resources, you can use Proxy Connect to block direct network access to your tenant environments and only allow network access through the proxy.

To only allow network access to a tenant environment through a proxy service:

  1. Prepare the proxy service by configuring it to forward requests to the tenant environment.

    1. (Optional) Configure the proxy service to include a security header in forwarded requests.

  2. Activate the proxy service by configuring your DNS records to route traffic to the tenant environment through the proxy.

  3. Secure your tenant environment by configuring Proxy Connect with the proxy service’s security header and/or the proxy’s IP address. Learn more in Create or update rulesets.

Block network access from the public internet

If you use Secure Connect to access your tenant environments from a private network, you can use Proxy Connect to block access to the environments from the public internet.

To block public internet access to a tenant environment:

  1. Set up Secure Connect so that you can access the tenant environment from your private network.

  2. Access your tenant environment from your private network and activate a header ruleset with no rules. Refer to the steps in Create or update rulesets, with the following changes:

    • In step 2b, use the payload --data '{"enabled": true, "headers": []}'.

    • Skip step 3.

Exceptions to Proxy Connect rules

The following processes retain access to your tenant environments when Proxy Connect rules are configured:

Process Reason

SRE and Backstage Support teams

Lets Ping Identity investigate and resolve support issues.

Monitoring scripts

Lets Ping Identity monitor the behavior and performance of your environments.


Lets a lower environment access an upper environment to promote static configuration changes.

Scripting API calls

Lets an environment call its own APIs from scripts.

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