Identity Cloud

Integrating PingOne Protect into Identity Cloud

You can integrate three PingOne Protect nodes into the Identity Cloud to take advantage of its threat protection features.

Before you begin

Please note, this integration only targets Identity Cloud hosted pages. In a future release, support for native devices will be incorporated through the ForgeRock SDK.

Before you start this integration, make sure you have the following prerequisites:

  • Basic understanding of ForgeRock Identity Cloud and PingOne Protect.

  • An administrator account on Identity Cloud.

  • The client ID and client secret for an account in a configured PingOne environment.

Preliminary tasks

Task 1: Get a PingOne account trial with PingOne Protect

You can try out a demo of PingOne Protect by starting a PingOne trial. The following steps get you up-and-running:

  1. Obtain a PingOne trial account and start a PingOne trial.

  2. Sign on to the PingOne admin console.

  3. Add an environment to set up your PingOne services. On the Your Environments page, click Add Environment.

    PingOne organizes a company’s tenant account into an organization, a top-level identifier within the system.
    1. Click Customer solution, and then click Next.

      PingOne SSO, PingOne MFA, PingOne Protect, PingOne Verify, and PingOne DaVinci services are loaded.

    2. Click Next again to create the environment.

    3. Enter the details of your environment:

      • Environment Name Enter a descriptive name for your environment.

      • Description Enter a general description of your environment.

      • Environment Type Accept the default: Sandbox.

      • Generate sample populations and users in this environment. Click this checkbox for sample data.

      • Region Accept the default.

      • License Leave as-is.

      • Include a solution designer to easily design and test experiences Make sure this checkbox is enabled.

      • Choose your industry Leave as-is.

    4. Click Finish.

      PingOne creates your environment and generates a sample application that you can access.

  4. Next, add a test user in the directory.

    1. On the left navigation, click Directory, and then click Users.

    2. At the top of the Users page, click the .

    3. In the right pane, add a test user. Fill in the fields, and then click Save. Wait for about 15 minutes for the application to add the user to the directory.

    4. In the left navigation menu, click Getting Started. The Sample application is displayed.

  5. Click Sign On to log in.

    1. On the Sign On page, enter your email address and password that you set for the test user. Click Sign On.

    2. Click Overview, and check that you have PingOne Protect in your Services.

      pingone overview

Task 2: Set a risk policy

A risk policy lets you include risk predictors in the PingOne Protect risk evaluation. For starting, use the Default Risk Policy.

  1. Click Risk Policies > Default Risk Policy to view the risk settings.

    pingone risk policy

Task 3: Create a PingOne worker application

A worker application is a software application used to access the PingOne Admin API. The worker application uses the client credentials grant type to authorize and obtain an access token for the API.

  1. On the PingOne Admin console, click Appications > Applications .

  2. On the Add Application page, enter the following:

    • Application Name

    • Description

    • Application Type. Select Worker.

  3. Click Save.

    pingone worker app

Task 4: Grant an Identity Data Admin role

At this stage, the work application requires the Identity Data Admin role.

  1. On the PingOne Applications page, click your worker application.

  2. Check that the Identity Data Admin role is assigned to the worker application.

    pingone identity data admin role

Integration tasks

Task 1: Set up the PingOne Service

  1. If you have not already set up PingOne Service in your Identity Cloud environment, then set it up using PingOne Service.

Task 2: Set up your journey

  1. Log in to the Identity Cloud as an administrator.

  2. In the Identity Cloud admin UI, click Journeys. All existing Identity Cloud journeys display.

  3. Click + New Journey.

  4. Configure options for the new journey:

    Field Value Description


    Enter PingOne Protect

    Descriptive name to display in the journeys list.

    Identity Object

    Select Alpha Realm - Users

    Type of object that this journey authenticates.


    Enter A login journey for the PingOne Protect integration.

    Description of the journey.

    Override theme

    Do not enable

    Lets you provide a unique UI for this journey.

    Default journey for end users

    Do not enable

    Lets you designate this journey as the default journey for your Identity Cloud environment.


    Enter Implementation Guide

    Keywords for organizing the journey list.

  5. Click Save. The journey editor displays.

    To save your progress, periodically click Save in the top right of the journey editor. Failure to do this results in losing your work if the page reloads or if you lose your network connection.
  6. Next, implement the following basic authentication journey in Identity Cloud.

    pingone protect journey
  7. Run the following steps:

    1. On the Journeys page, click Risk.

    2. Drag the following nodes onto the journey canvas:

    3. Click PingOne Protect Initialize, and enter the following:

      Field Value


      PingOne Protect Initialize

      PingOne Service

      Select your PingOne service.

      Enable SDK Logs

      Click to output messages to the developer console. Default is not enabled.

      Collect Behavioral Data

      Click to enable behavioral data collection. Default is not enabled.

    4. Click PingOne Protect Evaluation, and enter the following:

      Field Value


      PingOne Protect Evaluation

      PingOne Service

      Select your PingOne service.

      Flow Type


      Device Sharing Type

      Select SHARED.

      User Type

      Select EXTERNAL.

      Score Threshold

      Keep the default: 300.

      Node State Attribute for User ID

      Enter username.

    5. Click PingOne Protect Result, and enter the following:

      Field Value


      PingOne Protect Result

      Completion Status

      Select SUCCESS.

    6. Click the other PingOne Protect Result, and enter the following:

      Field Value


      PingOne Protect Result

      Completion Status

      Select FAILED.

    7. Connect the nodes:

      • Connect the start (person) icon to the PingOne Protect Initialize node.

        • Connect the Next output of the PingOne Protect Initialize node to the Page Node node, containing the Platform Username and Platform Password nodes.

        • Connect the Error output of the PingOne Protect Initialize node to the Failure node (red X circle).

      • Connect the output of the Page node to the PingOne Protect Evaluation node.

      • Connect the High output of the PingOne Protect Evaluation node to the Ping One Protect Result (Failure) node.

        • Connect the Medium and Low outputs of the PingOne Protect Evaluation node to the Data Store Decision node.

        • Connect the Exceed Score Threshold, Failure and Error outputs of the PingOne Protect Evaluation node to the PingOne Protect Result (Failure) node.

      • Connect the True of the Data Store Decision node to the PingOne Protect Result (Success) node.

      • Connect the False of the Data Store Decision node to the PingOne Protect Result (Failure) node.

      • Connect the output of the PingOne Protect Result (Success path) node to the Success node (green checkmark circle).

      • Connect the output of the PingOne Protect Result (Failure path) node to the Failure node (red X circle).

  8. Click Save.


Task: Validate the PingOne Protect Evaluation node

  1. From a web browser, invoke the journey, and when prompted, enter the username and password of an existing user.

  2. Open the PingOne console, and navigate to Monitoring > Audit page. There should be a Risk Evaluation Created event corresponding to the call made from Identity Cloud.

    2024-02-23 08:41:03 pm UTC  |  Risk Evaluation Created  | Created Risk Evaluation "Default Risk Policy" d58c8d38-054d-4159-a6e8-06d8412b8ef8
  3. Open the event details and examine the output:

    1. First, check for a successful RISK_EVALUATION.

      "action": {
        "type": "RISK_EVALUATION.CREATED",
        "description": "Risk Evaluation Created"
      "resources": [
          "type": "RISK_EVALUATION",
          "id": "d58c8d38-054d-4159-a6e8-06d8412b8ef8",
          "name": "d58c8d38-054d-4159-a6e8-06d8412b8ef8",
          "environment": {
            "id": "02fb4743-189a-4bc7-9d6c-a919edfe6447"
          "href": ""
      "result": {
        "status": "SUCCESS",
        "description": "Created Risk Evaluation\Default Risk Policy\d58c8d38-054d-4159-a6e8-06d8412b8ef8."
      } …​
    2. Check the riskEvaluation value(s) in the event details. You should see the risk evaluation level and default risk policy.

      "riskEvaluation": {
        "result": {
          "level": "MEDIUM",
          "score": 40,
          "source": "AGGREGATED_SCORES",
          "type": "VALUE"
        "createdAt": 1707856863390,
        "environment": {
          "id": "02fb4743-189a-4bc7-9d6c-a919edfe6447"
        "riskPolicySet": {
          "id": "051c8497-d389-0701-2f93-1fab8a3268b2",
          "name": "Default Risk Policy"
        } …​

Next steps

Once you have successfully integrated PingOne Protect into Identity Cloud. With the help of Ping, you can start planning PingOne Protect to meet your company’s requirements by following the PingOne Protect best practices to get your system ready for production.

For example:

  • Train your risk models with 1–3 weeks of production data using the default risk policy.

  • Analyze the risk evaluation results and look out for false positives using the PingOne Protect dashboard.

  • Make adjustments to your PingOne Protect policy.

  • Set up your specific journeys in Identity Cloud.

  • When ready, set up a staging policy to test your risk evaluations before putting them into production.

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